Finding a true friend in life means finding faithful support and protection. With which signs of the zodiac is it better to be friends, and which ones should you avoid? Perhaps the answer lies in the compatibility of signs, or maybe it is buried in the characters that are endowed with the zodiacal representatives of the star.

Step 1
Friendly Aries enthusiasts, for example, can rightfully be considered excellent friends, because he is not capable of betrayal and will be with his best friend both in great sorrow and in great joy. However, being with them, it is necessary to prepare for submission, because these signs simply love to dominate and dominate.
Step 2
Taurus, who do not like idle talk, are loyal and reliable companions, despite the fact that they cannot and cannot support with conversations, they will always provide material support, help out with money up to the salary.
Step 3
Gemini, always full of new ideas, is a very funny and affable friend, despite the fact that a strong partnership with him obviously will not work, he is able to defuse the situation, create an atmosphere of lightness and ease.
Step 4
Sociable and requiring regular psychological participation in their lives, Cancers themselves are able to become a "life jacket" for their neighbor. In difficult times, they will listen carefully and give good advice.

Step 5
In order to make friends with Leo, you need to be a sufficiently erudite and standing person, because kings who adore noisy, shocking parties should have people next to them who are obliged to extol and entertain them.
Step 6
Responsible Virgos hate noisy events that attract too much attention to their person, however, on ordinary days they will come to visit you home with great pleasure with their pies and a sincere desire to help in cleaning.
Step 7
Libra - friends for many years, subject to human passions and emotions, turn friendship into a bowl filled with conflicts and vivid reconciliations.
Step 8
Jealous Scorpios not only responsibly approach the choice of comrades, but also tenaciously dig into them with their "paws", are jealous and absolutely cannot stand it when their own friend pays too much attention to someone else.
Step 9
Adventurers Sagittarius in life need only one loyal friend, with whom they can share the joy of adventures that come to their minds every now and then. Sagittarius are great partners for Leo and Gemini.
Step 10
It is quite difficult to find a common language with the silent Capricorns, but once you make friends with them, you will find a reliable and faithful half, which will always and everywhere come to the rescue in the most difficult moment. But friendly and sociable Aquarians, on the contrary, very easily converge with people and have hundreds of friends in social networks and in real life.
Step 11
Pisces are very difficult to converge with others, in order to achieve their location, it is necessary to show remarkable patience and spend a lot of energy to ensure that a person is interested and begins to trust you.