How To Identify Spoilage

How To Identify Spoilage
How To Identify Spoilage

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Sometimes even the most rational-minded people may have suspicions that they have been corrupted. Most often this is due to sudden problems, losses and conflicts. Deterioration can be determined by some signs and with the help of rituals.

How to identify spoilage
How to identify spoilage


Step 1

Inspect your belongings and the apartment's front door. If you find pins or sewn objects stuck into clothes, needles and nails stuck in a door or jambs, and near the threshold you find water, salt, coins or earth, this means that they tried to spoil you. It is advisable to burn all discovered objects or throw away from the house with the words: "Where it came from, go there, whoever put it, take it away."

Step 2

Listen to yourself. Damage may be indicated by unexpected apathy, unreasonable anxiety, a strong decrease or increase in weight and appetite, excruciating nightmares, constant fatigue, and a drop in immunity. All sharp changes in health that cannot be explained rationally should alert you, but do not neglect the help of a doctor.

Step 3

Wear silver jewelry for a few days. This metal darkens from contact with skin or air, however, in the presence of negative magical effects, silver darkens very quickly and is almost a daughter.

Step 4

Buy a candle from the church and bring it home. Close all windows and doors in the room and light a candle. A church candle is a strong sensor of energy fields, and if its fire begins to crackle, smoke, rush or die out, this indicates the presence of damage or the evil eye.

Step 5

Calculate spoilage with St. John's wort. Pick up some fresh St. John's wort and spread it out near all the sleeping places in the apartment. If in some place the St. John's wort begins to fade and darken quickly, there is damage on the owner of the bed. If St. John's wort withers slowly and evenly everywhere, there was no magical effect. It is not recommended to throw out dried St. John's wort - it will keep your home calm and well-being.

Step 6

Perform a water and wax ritual. Melt a little beeswax in a metal bowl and pour it into a glass of cold water with the words: “I do not pour, I do not pronounce, pours in and pronounces from the servant of God (insert your name) The Most Holy Theotokos with all the angels, archangels, saints and patrons. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit”. Let the wax harden and inspect the casting. If it is even, smooth and uniform in color, there is no damage to you. The presence of a negative magical effect is indicated by growths, bumps, holes, air bubbles, torn and uneven edges of the casting. After checking, the wax must be wrapped in paper and burned, and if this is not possible, bury it in a vacant lot.
