Recently, more and more people turn to psychics and fortune-tellers, healers and whisperers, if there are troubles in life, if diseases and hardships are pouring in, as if from a cornucopia. The presence of the influence of negative energy can be diagnosed in oneself and loved ones at home, without resorting to outside help.

It is necessary
- - egg from domestic chicken
- - faceted glass
- - cold water (better well, but tap water is also possible)
Step 1
The egg must certainly be from a domestic hen, fertilized by a rooster, that is, with an embryo, a symbol of life. If there is no fresh egg, only from under the chicken, that's okay. It is advisable to keep the egg out of the refrigerator for at least 2-3 hours before using.
It is better to use water from living sources, that is, spring or well, but you can also take tap water, collect the first water in the morning, even before any of the household uses the water supply.
It is advisable to take a faceted glass, since it is believed that it is the edges that help to read the information rolled up by the egg. It will no longer be possible to use this glass for its intended purpose.
The rite of cleansing from negativity is carried out when the moon is in the waning phase. But diagnostics can be done at any time.
Step 2
Pour water into a glass, filling it about halfway. Give a glass of water to the person over whom the ceremony will be performed. Let him hold it in his hands for about a minute, look at the water.
We take a raw egg in our right hand, put it on the top of the sitting "patient" and begin to slowly roll from top to bottom in a clockwise direction, from the top of the head to the feet.
Step 3
In order to diagnose damage in yourself, you need to sit on a chair, press your chin to your chest, attach a raw egg to the crown of your head and maintain this position for 1-3 minutes.
Step 4
Break the egg into a glass of water. If the protein has gone down, and an even, beautiful yolk is located on top of the protein, while the water remains clean, calm, then there is no negative charge. If we see threads stretching upwards from the protein, if the yolk has spread, there are bubbles on the surface of the water, grains or sand are visible in the yolk, if the protein is domed on the yolk, there is probably a negative charge of energy and it is necessary to cleanse the human energy.