Some ways to get rid of negativity, evil eye and corruption do not require complex rituals or an appeal to an occult specialist. The main thing is faith in your own personal strength, energy. There is a very old, reliable way.

Discharge is an effective magical operation to remove damage of unknown origin. Alternative name: "transfer" or "transfer". It is about dumping a negative when its source is unknown. Although the source may be someone else's envy, words or even thoughts of an ill-wisher, which, in fact, is also an invisible magical attack. It can be both purposeful and accidental (sometimes damage is done unintentionally). After that, the victim suddenly begins a streak of failures, unexpected obstacles in business, a series of conflicts, severe anxiety, nightmares or general mental illness.
Often, a person intuitively feels the destructive program from the outside, but does not see the cause and effect. If possible, it is worth analyzing whether he did harm to someone, and try to correct the situation at least with an apology. If there were no prerequisites for receiving a negative response from the outside, for example, outright provocations or a bad act against someone, if a person is sure that he received this evil undeservedly, then you can remove the damage yourself.
Choosing a thing to dump damage or evil eye
You need a small thing that has been in contact with the owner for a long time, therefore it has absorbed his negative energy. It can be jewelry, a bright accessory, a hair clip, a mirror, a small bill or a coin. The main thing is that the thing should attract attention. This is its main difference from the "lining", which should be invisible. Left unattended, the thing should attract prying eyes, tempt, provoke the desire to take it, put it in a pocket or bag, and not throw it into the nearest urn.
For additional "recharging" and securing, the item to be dropped can be worn with you or placed at the head of the bed during sleep during three lunar days.
The reset operation is done on the waning moon, because all magical operations of removal, cleansing from filth, removing damage, the evil eye, etc., are done on the waning moon - this is the law of magic. For dumping, experienced sorcerers often use crowded places: squares, shopping centers, markets, supermarkets, entertainment venues and even a church.
Do not reset to familiar people - this is also a difference from the "lining". A subtle mechanism works here: no address, the absence of an obvious magical attack on a specific person. A little trick is for an outsider to be tempted by an inexpensive, ownerless thing, and any temptation is of a dark nature. Thus, the stranger resonates with the dropped thing, acts as its potential owner, and not a victim, of his own free will.
You do not need to wait for someone to pick up the thing, you need to leave the drop site as soon as possible. Until the next morning, nothing should be bought or taken from hand to hand.