If you want to surprise your friends or children, show them rope tricks. Making them is quite simple, the equipment is always simple and affordable, and you can learn them quite quickly.

Step 1
The simplest are considered tricks with knots, for example, "self-loosening rope". You only need a simple lace for it. Tie a few loose knots on it at a short distance from each other. For more persuasiveness, make a couple of knots in front of the audience. Then wrap the string around your hand, and while you do this, discreetly pull one end of the string through the knots. Clamp the other end of the rope in your hand and straighten it - the knots will straighten themselves unnoticed by the audience.
Step 2
For another trick, you will need a rope 1 - 1, 2 meters long. Tie the ends with a knot so that you get a loop. Then stick your thumbs into it and stretch them out to the sides. Toss the rope over your neck, bring your hands together, then quickly slip your left index finger into the loop so that it is behind your right thumb. This movement will release the loop momentarily from the thumb of your right hand. Stretch your hands to the sides, at the same time connect the thumb and forefinger of your left hand - the loop from the index finger will spread to the thumb. Quickly stretch the loop to the sides, the audience will get the impression that you have dragged the loop through the neck, because the position of the rope and fingers will be the same as at the beginning of the focus. The same trick can be done with the hand of one of the spectators - so it will look spectacular and convincing.
Step 3
You can invite viewers to participate in one of your magic tricks. Invite two friends to help you. Take a rope about a meter long in your hands at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ends. Place the right end of the rope on top of the left, and then slip it into the resulting loop, pull a little and invite one of the assistants to hold it. Take the resulting knot with your right hand, at the same time push the left end of the rope into the loop in the opposite direction to the one in which you put the right end so that the knot unnoticeably untied. Give the left end to the second spectator, without removing the right hand from the already disappeared knot, and ask the assistants to pull the rope to the sides. The loop will gradually decrease, and when it becomes very small, stop the assistants, and then ask to jerk the rope sharply and at the same time release your right hand - the knot has disappeared.
There are a lot of tricks with ropes, but in order for them to impress the audience, it is important not only to learn and understand the secret of trick, but to practice a lot and hone your movements.