Very soon, September 1 is a holiday that some children are looking forward to with great impatience, while others do not want it at all. However, both of them are still preparing for the new school year, buying uniforms, satchels, and, of course, stationery.

What you need to buy to school from the office in grade 1
Usually, in each school, before the school year, a parent meeting is held, where parents are given a list of supplies that the child will need in the classroom. If for some reason you could not attend this event, or if it was not in your school, then it's okay, because all schools in Russia study according to the same programs (there are eight of them, for example, "Planet of Knowledge" or "School 2100") and the lists of required office supplies are slightly different.
Before the new school year, you definitely need to stock up on notebooks in a cage and a slanting ruler, and the number of both should not be less than 15 pieces. Do not forget about the covers, and you need to buy covers for both notebooks and books. Now there are many different covers on store shelves, buy several sets from different manufacturers (the fact is that different manufacturers have their own cover sizes, having bought the same sets they may not be suitable for all textbooks). In general, you can skip this point and buy the covers of the required sizes after receiving the books at school.
A pencil case is another important accessory for a first grader. Take it seriously: choose a model with multiple compartments to accommodate all the accessories you need. If possible, purchase a pencil case with pencils (12 pcs.), Felt-tip pens (12 pcs.), Pens (2-3 in blue), simple pencils (2-3 medium hard), a sharpener (always with a waste container), eraser and ruler. Or buy everything separately and have your child fill the accessory with them.
Painting and labor supplies
For labor and drawing lessons, you need to purchase a voluminous folder for folding the rest of the accessories into it, namely, colored paper (12 sheets), colored and white cardboard, an album (24 sheets), scissors with rounded ends, glue-pencil, watercolors, gouache (6 colors), three brushes numbered 1, 3 and 5, plasticine, modeling boards, palettes, oilcloth, sippy glass, creative apron. When getting a first grader to school, do not forget to purchase a diary and a book holder as well.
In some schools, the lessons require a cash register of letters and numbers in the form of a fan, counting sticks, so I advise you to find out in advance if these supplies will be required in your class.
What you need to buy to school from the office in grades 2, 3, 4
For grades 2, 3 and 4, the set of stationery is practically no different from the set for a first grader. All that needs to be added to the above list is three markers (yellow, green and red), a notebook for notes, a compass.
What you need to buy to school from the office in grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
The list of stationery for grades 5 and 6 is the same as for grade 4; for grade 7, in addition to the above items, you need to purchase goods for drawing (pencils of different hardness, drawing paper) and a protractor. For grades 8 and 9, purchase 20-30 shared exercise books, as well as a set of file folders and corner folders.