What Is The Nature Of The Virgo, Born In The Year Of The Rabbit

What Is The Nature Of The Virgo, Born In The Year Of The Rabbit
What Is The Nature Of The Virgo, Born In The Year Of The Rabbit

The character of a person is given individual properties and the sign of the zodiac, and the patron of the year of his birth according to the eastern calendar. The combination of these qualities differs between men and women.

Girl with a rabbit
Girl with a rabbit

First of all, Virgo, born in the year of the Rabbit or Cat, is a person who is very greedy for knowledge. From early childhood, she will be distinguished by a thirst for reading books, studying, knowing all kinds. For such a person, it is important to use their capabilities to the maximum, setting up various experiments and not stopping for a minute in the process of self-development. These Virgos are especially distinguished by composure, concentration and great accuracy, turning into pedantry, which can even be considered boring. The main features of the Virgo-Rabbit are the intolerance of chaos in all its manifestations, such a person is always dressed, cut and combed very neatly.

In Virgo-Rabbit, everything is flawless and perfect, but without unnecessary frills - the ability to conduct a conversation and behave, manners, speech, clothing style, perfume and cosmetics. Particularly great attention is most often paid to the choice of footwear and headgear.

Feature for women

Rabbit-Virgo is logical, smart, has great accuracy and cleanliness and requires the same from family and colleagues. She, as a rule, has perfect order in everything and everywhere - both in her thoughts and in things, both at work and at home. He performs assignments for work with great precision and diligence, succeeding everywhere and in everything thanks to a very high self-discipline and internal organization. All plans, personal or assigned in the service, are carried out by her on time and exactly as needed. Therefore, Virgo-Rabbit is always in good standing - starting with teachers at school and ending with bosses in the service. She cannot be called a careerist, however, she rarely sits at home, preferring to provide for herself on her own, while not taking on too much responsibility.

In his personal life, he makes great demands on partners, starting with neatness and accuracy, and ending with financial independence and high intelligence. It is unlikely that he will lose his head from feelings for a man, referring to non-reciprocal sympathy and a broken heart philosophically. This is a noble and sane woman, not capable of meanness and intrigue.

Characteristic for men

This person surprises with his poise, non-conflict and gentle, calm character, he is not particularly active in the spheres of his life, preferring self-development to advancement in society. He will be able to show himself well as a middle-level manager, or a head of a small department. This person is not eager for power, he is also not interested in external manifestations of luxury, much higher he values inner peace and confidence that no one can disturb this peace.

The excitement of this man is completely uncharacteristic, since he is used to acting slowly, according to a previously drawn up plan and doing everything gradually, thoughtfully. The Virgo Rabbit gets lost in an unfamiliar environment, most likely, will not react properly in an emergency. He has a wary and distrustful attitude to everything new, unusual and unknown.

The Virgo Rabbit most often idealizes relations with the opposite sex, mentally attributing such traits to his soul mate and making such exaggerated demands that as a result he remains alone for a long time. Gifts are usually chosen wisely, pragmatically and practically, but at the same time they are not stingy, and as a result these things can serve faithfully for several generations.
