After a busy year of the Tiger, the year of the Rabbit promises to be calm. After him comes the Year of the Dragon, which is also not distinguished by calmness, and therefore this short respite should be used to the maximum.

Step 1
This year it is a good idea to find time for meetings with relatives and small travels for the purpose of relaxation. This year can open new perspectives in life to those born in the years of the Rat's patronage, but in general it cannot be said that this year will be successful for them. Those born in the Year of the Ox can expect financial well-being, but overall, the year will also not be the best in history. A successful year in career and personal life will be for those born in the years of the Cat and Rabbit earlier, they will be lucky in all areas. The year of opportunity and great difficulty will be this year for the Dragons, they should exercise the greatest possible care. Situations involving metal - knives and even cars - are considered especially dangerous for them.
Step 2
The year of the Rabbit for those born under the auspices of the Snake promises to be good in career and in love. They just need to be careful with investments and also take care of their health carefully. For Horses, the year of the Cat brings many changes, and it is unlikely to be easy, but still, compared to the year of the Tiger, it will be possible to rest. For those born in the Year of the Sheep, this year can bring success in new bold endeavors and useful acquaintances. This year will be happy for the Monkey both financially and in personal life. Scammers should beware, and this year will also not be the best for saving and accumulating savings.
Step 3
This is not the best year for Roosters, especially if the Rabbit Cat is associated with a metal house. But with some caution, troubles can be avoided, and financially, the year promises to be positive. A successful year of the Rabbit will be for Dogs. You just need to carefully monitor your health, as your favorite work this year will be in abundance. An interesting and promising year for the Pigs, many not new problems will be solved, but caution will be required, the risks of accidents are great. For almost all signs, this year is rather positive, and certainly does not carry evil in itself. There will be many benefits in such years from reading, acquiring new professions and other types of self-education.
Step 4
During these years, everything related to diplomacy, changes and changes in politics will gain particular popularity. Most of all these years are popular for people whose life is connected with laws, order, and justice. Each of the 12 zodiac signs corresponds to the direction of the compass. The rabbit is associated with the eastern direction, which also symbolizes the rising sun, namely, the time of its rising above the earth. The time of the Rabbit-Cat is also connected with the middle of spring, meanwhile, when yang is gaining strength, and yin is gradually losing it.