Combination Of Horoscopes: Dog-Pisces

Combination Of Horoscopes: Dog-Pisces
Combination Of Horoscopes: Dog-Pisces

They are notorious and suspicious. They are easily injured and out of balance. However, if you behave with them very carefully and tactfully, then the Pisces-Dog will become a reliable friend and advisor. These people are endowed with intuition and know how to predict future events.

Combination of horoscopes: Dog-Pisces
Combination of horoscopes: Dog-Pisces

Dog-Pisces: general interpretation

They are good organizers and have a creative mind. They are generally friendly and open-minded.

Pisces born in the Year of the Dog become more open-minded. They are not as fixated on their own person as the rest of the representatives of this zodiac sign. These Pisces still live in their own world, not subject to the understanding of others, but at the same time they are able to sincerely empathize with people.

These people are born diplomats, with an innate sense of tact. They are able to convey their point of view to others and at the same time not offend anyone.

They need to try not to worry about small things and learn to be more confident in themselves.

Dog-Pisces: male

This man rarely goes into open confrontation. He is balanced and fair. In a team, he often acts as a peacemaker, able to competently reconcile the warring parties.

He is naturally shy and modest. It is difficult for him to meet women, however, if he begins to trust someone, then he becomes confident and active.

This man is set up for a serious relationship and is very hard going through parting. In marriage, he will be faithful to his woman.

Dog-Pisces: woman

This woman does not like to be paid attention to. She does not belong to those ladies who are used to shining and catching the admiring glances of others. Even a naturally very beautiful Pisces-Dog will still feel insecure.

At work, she also does not like to exhibit, so she often becomes a victim of injustice on the part of her superiors: anyone is promoted, but not her.

This woman lacks the qualities of a fighter. She needs a strong man who will become a reliable support for her. She is ready to fully devote her life to her family. It's easy next to her. She is selflessly loyal, stable and committed to a serious relationship.

Famous people born under these signs: Mikhail Zhvanetsky (writer, satirist), Nikolai Berdyaev (philosopher), Vladimir Govorukhin (actor), Sharon Stone (actress), Victor Hugo (writer), Amerigo Vespucci (traveler), Yuri Gagarin (cosmonaut).
