The biofield is a shell that protects a person from the effects of the environment and negative energy, which manifests itself in aggression, negative emotions and the wishes of the people around. Biofield closes a person's personal space and fills it with comfortable energy. To protect yourself from negativity, you need to increase your bioenergy potential.

Step 1
Close the contours of your biofield by crossing your legs and arms during a conversation with an unpleasant person for you. This technique will also help protect the biofield from damage when traveling in crowded vehicles.
Step 2
Connect the index and thumb of one hand with the fingers of the same name on the other hand, forming a ring out of them. Place the fingers remaining free on top of each other.
Step 3
Form a ring from the thumb and forefinger of one hand and place it in the palm of the other hand. Change the sequence of the hands. Repeat this sequence of actions three times. Closing the biofield contour manifests itself in a feeling of increased density around oneself and squeezing of the head.
Step 4
Apply information and biological protection: mentally build a protective shell around you, giving it the shape of a ball, and fill it with bioenergy of silver or purple color. Imagine that along the outer surface of the ball in the form of meridians and parallels there is a tape with the inscription "You don't need me (you don't need me)".
Step 5
Mentally surround yourself on all sides with crosses, placing them close to the body. In your thoughts, slowly move them away from you at a distance of about one meter. Then secure the biofield by creating a protective sheath.
Step 6
Protect yourself from unpleasant people with whom you often have to contact at work by making a protective amulet. On a long strip of paper, draw as many female faces as possible on one side and male faces on the other. After rolling the strip into a roller, tie it with a thread of pure wool and tie it in a knot. Cut off the ends of the thread and burn them. Wear this charm so that it touches your body.
Step 7
Rub your palms together to create warmth. Bring them to your face and place them in a protective sphere around your head. Closing your eyes, imagine that all the bad things are concentrated in your hands. Then shake off all negativity from them into fire or on the ground.