The bear is a popular hero of domestic and foreign cartoons, the main character in many fables, poems, stories and fairy tales. The favorite toy of many kids is a cute teddy bear. In addition, this animal is a frequent participant in circus performances. The appearance of the bear is so familiar to both adults and children that drawing the beast on paper will not be difficult for both.

Step 1
You should start drawing a bear with an image on a sheet of paper of the round head of the beast and its oval body.
Step 2
Further, to the lower part of the body, it is necessary to draw 2 hind legs of the bear. Each leg consists of two parallel straight lines and a small oval.
Step 3
Now the bear should draw the front legs. In the figure, they are located along the body of the animal. The outer tops of the small ovals of the hind legs should be erased with an eraser to make the legs of the bear appear clubfoot.
Step 4
On the body of the bear, an oval abdomen should be shown with a rounded line.
Step 5
Next, on the head of the beast, you need to draw a round muzzle and a pair of oval eyes.
Step 6
On the face of the bear, it is necessary to draw an oval nose and a mouth of the beast, consisting of a couple of short lines.
Step 7
Now you need to draw round ears on the bear's head.
Step 8
On the hind legs of the animal, using several rounded lines, you need to draw fingers. On the front paws, in addition to the toes, soft round pads should also be shown. The inside of the bear's ears should be drawn with their round inner parts, and the eyes should be enlivened by adding glare pupils. The animal's nose should be given a more realistic shape, and a small tongue should be drawn in the mouth.
Step 9
Now the bear needs to be colored. For this, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons or paints are useful. If the bear is brown, then you need to paint it brown, if black, then black. A polar bear can be painted in a beige or slightly bluish shade, and fabulous with the colors of a rainbow.