How To Make A Transformer Costume

How To Make A Transformer Costume
How To Make A Transformer Costume

Table of contents:


Theatrical and carnival costumes are needed not only for the New Year holidays. Very often children need to find or make themselves a costume for a holiday where they participate in a production. If you can find the suit you need in one of the stores nearby, you're in luck. But what if there is no such costume on sale, but for a holiday you need it? There is only one way out - to make the costume yourself.

How to make a transformer costume
How to make a transformer costume

It is necessary

  • - large sheets of cardboard,
  • - Whatman paper,
  • - scissors,
  • - glue,
  • - scotch tape,
  • - paints and markers,
  • - latex gloves,
  • - small pieces of fabric.


Step 1

The transformer costume is one of those that are almost impossible to find in the store. Therefore, you will have to cook it yourself. Due to its originality, it is better not to sew a suit, but to make it out of cardboard and other similar materials.

Step 2

From whatman sheets, make patterns and collect eight rectangular prisms, one of which will be for the head, and, accordingly, it should be the largest. But remember, your head shouldn't dangle in this prism. Four long hand prisms, which should cover the entire surface of the hands up to the hands, which will be wearing rubber gloves. The other four are for the legs. One will be knee-length, and the other knee-to-ankle. On opposite sides of the arm and leg prisms, make holes through which you can slide your legs and arms. In the head prism, make holes on the adjacent sides for the neck and face, as well as small holes for the ears.

Step 3

For the torso, make a blank that looks like the cover of a thick book. It will be put on from the side and sealed with tape on the child.

Step 4

Connect the prisms for the arms and legs with fabric strips so that the knees and elbows are not visible, attach these strips to the Whatman paper with tape.

Step 5

In order for the suit to turn out to be not disposable and not to break during fitting or performance, carefully treat all the connecting seams with glue and secure with tape.

Step 6

Take markers and paints and start coloring your transformer. Remember that it will be much more beautiful if you paint all the details in different colors in a certain sequence. Imagine what your character can turn into and bring it to life.

Step 7

Be sure to wear matching rubber gloves to the show and choose the right footwear.

Step 8

Your transformer is ready. It remains to take care of the face. After all, this is the only part of the body that will not be hidden. Choose special paints to touch up the skin around the eyes, nose and cheeks. You can draw a pattern or simply give your face an unusual color that will match the color scheme of the costume itself.
