Actor Bill Cosby: Career, Personal Life, Interesting Facts

Actor Bill Cosby: Career, Personal Life, Interesting Facts
Actor Bill Cosby: Career, Personal Life, Interesting Facts

If you do not know who the actor Bill Cosby is and what his life path was, then just look at his year of birth. The dark-skinned future comedian was born in 1937, which means that there was World War II, and poverty, and racial discrimination ahead. How did Bill Cosby come to be one of the best comedians of his generation?

Actor Bill Cosby: career, personal life, interesting facts
Actor Bill Cosby: career, personal life, interesting facts

Cynicism as a school of life

William's family could only live on one allowance, if not the father of the family, who drank and in every possible way made life difficult for his family. As Bill got older, his father was called to serve in the American Navy, and Bill himself, being the eldest son, became the head of this family.

He not only replaced his father with his three younger brothers, but also looked after them and even raised them while my mother was engaged in cleaning in other people's houses. Because of the role of the father, it was on the shoulders of Bill Cosby that all responsibility and all the pain of loss fell - at the age of 8, one of the brothers died in the family.

It is not difficult to understand what trace all these events left in the child's life and how they formed his personality. Too early, the boy began to rely only on himself and on his own strength in life. Also, the constant struggle for his own life and a piece of bread for the family taught the guy to be a cynic. Later, this quality helped him many times during his stand-up performances. Bill cynically confronted his audience with a difficult reality, and for this he was loved.

First appearances in the frame

As for television, Cosby has appeared on the screens with several projects that can be defined as evening author's shows. Among them are the following:

  1. The Bill Cosby Show. This show was born in 1969, but it could not last more than 2 years.
  2. Ten years later, in the 80s, he revived the project and created The Cosby Show, which has become one of the most popular and most requested projects of a humorous nature.
  3. In 1974, Bill accepted an invitation to star in the film "Return to the Land of OZ".
  4. Then he was seen in the painting "Leonard the Sixth".
  5. Then he played one of the main roles in the film "Ghost Dad".
  6. The last two films are "Jack" and "The Comedian" of 2002.

The comedian has also starred in television commercials and has won numerous awards for his life, both in music and acting.

Personal choice

The main secret of the unprecedented success for such a person fits in just two facts about his biography before the start of takeoff. As a teenager, he ran away from school to go to the navy. The guy himself recruited into the ranks of the Navy and followed in the footsteps of his father. A little later, instead of college, he decided to engage in humorous performances in the stand-up genre.

A little later, Bill, from a black family with a drinking father, had the opportunity to attend college. Relatives pressed on him as best they could and asked him to go to study. They saw him as a lawyer, doctor, broker, etc. However, the fate and personal opinion of Bill decided that it would be best to ride around the country with humorous numbers without education. Political activity and activity among the ruling citizens was alien to the comedian.

When Bill Cosby Was No Longer Nice

America, knowing in general terms the comedian's biography, called him "American dad." Moreover, Bill has become an idol for the citizens. However, he could not bear this title for a long time and lost his authority in lawsuits.

Bill, the model of a quiet, conflict-free and charming guy, staggered due to suspicions of mass rape. Women sought justice even years after the crime was committed. True, Bill was at the peak of his popularity, so he was considered untouchable.

Only in 2014 did it become known that he pumped girls with drugs that suppress the will, and persuaded them to have sexual intercourse. He also paid for silence.