Sergei Bondarchuk was married three times. Four of his children received a good education and almost all followed in the footsteps of the great father. The director paid little attention to them, but was proud of the successes of his daughters and sons.

Son Alexey Bondarchuk
Sergei Bondarchuk is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director, screenwriter, teacher. Sergei Fedorovich was married three times. All his children took place as individuals, became successful.
The director met his first wife Evgenia Belousova while studying at the theater school in Rostov-on-Don. The young people got married and in 1944 their son Alexey was born. Sergei Bondarchuk went to war, and after his return, the family broke up. Son Alexei graduated from the institute, perfectly mastered English and French. He worked as a teacher. Alexei's personal life did not work out. He was not married and had no children. With the famous father, he never managed to establish contact.
Daughter Natalia Bondarchuk
Bondarchuk met his second wife, Inna Makarova, on the set of the film "Young Guard". The beautiful actress charmed the young director. He lived in marriage with her for 12 years. Inna became the initiator of the divorce. She lost interest in her husband and offered to leave, and Bondarchuk tried to save the family to the last.
In a marriage with Inna Makarova, Sergei Fedorovich had a daughter, Natalya, in 1960. The girl, like her older brother Alexei, was deprived of her father's attention. Bondarchuk constantly disappeared on the set. But after the divorce of her parents, Natalya managed to maintain a relationship with her dad. She followed in his footsteps and became an actress, director. After filming the film "Solaris" Natalia gained popularity. Subsequently, she played many bright roles. In 2009 she was awarded the title of Honored Art Worker of the Russian Federation. Bondarchuk's daughter organized a children's theater "Bambi" and is actively involved in social activities.

Natalia's personal life was successful. She married director Nikolai Burlyaev, gave birth to a son, Ivan, and a daughter, Maria. Natalia and her husband have two grandchildren, in whose upbringing they take an active part.
Daughter Elena from marriage with Irina Skobtseva
After a divorce from his second wife, Sergei Fedorovich married actress Irina Skobtseva. This marriage turned out to be the longest and happiest. It lasted until the death of the great director. In 1962, Irina gave birth to her husband's daughter Elena. The girl was raised by her maternal grandmother because her parents were too busy with their careers.
Alena has been fond of dancing and ballet since childhood. After leaving school, she wanted to follow in the footsteps of her parents and entered the Moscow Art Theater School. Elena took place as an actress of theater and cinema. She was married to the scientist-gemologist and entrepreneur Vitaly Kryukov.
Bondarchuk's daughter passed away at the age of 48. She has a son, Konstantin Kryukov, who also chose the acting profession. Konstantin is a creative person. He not only acts in films, but also paints pictures.
Son Fyodor Bondarchuk
In 1967, the fourth child of Sergei Bondarchuk, Fedor, was born. The boy, like his older sister Alena, was raised by his grandmother. At school, he did not differ in exemplary behavior, he studied mediocre. He could not enter MGIMO, so after graduating from high school he went to study at the VGIK at the directing and production department.
Fyodor Bondarchuk is a talented actor, film director, producer, showman. He completely took place in his profession. In his personal life, everything turned out very well for him too. For more than 25 years he has been married to Svetlana Bondarchuk. Fedor and Svetlana have a son, Sergei, and a daughter, Varvara. Sergey managed to get married and become the father of two charming girls. The daughter of Varvara is a special child. She lives and studies abroad.
After breaking up with Svetlana, Fedor began dating actress Paulina Andreeva. Bondarchuk was planning a wedding in 2017, but so far he has not formalized a relationship with a new lover. According to rumors, the reason lies in the negative attitude of his children towards this union. Son Sergei was categorical and promised to stop communicating with his father if he marries Paulina. Fyodor Sergeevich decided to postpone the wedding until the moment when all the issues are settled and peace and understanding will again come in the family.