American actress Laura Bacall is called one of the brightest movie stars in US history. Her most famous works were her roles in the films Murder on the Orient Express, How to Marry a Millionaire, and Dogville.

The real name of the famous performer is Betty Joan Persky. She was born in 1924 on September 16 in the New York Bronx.
Time to choose a path
The future star became the only child of Natalie and William Persky. Parents broke up when their daughter was five. The mother's brothers, who adored their only niece, took all the care of the girl's material well-being on themselves.
Betty received an excellent education in a girls' closed school. She then attended Julia Richman High School in Manhattan. In 1941, after completing her studies, a seventeen-year-old graduate by her mother's maiden name became Bacall.
With a new name, the girl entered the Academy of Dramatic Art. At the same time, part-time work began as a photo model. The aspiring celebrity first appeared on the cover of Harper's Bazaar in 1943.
Director and producer Howard Hawks drew attention to the nineteen-year-old debutante. He worked on a painting with Humphrey Bogart "To Have or Not To Have." The Hollywood director ordered to collect information about the cover girl.
But the secretary immediately sent an invitation to Betty to audition. The novice performer accepted the offer without hesitation. Hawkes also immediately signed a seven-year contract with her after the first interview.

The producer personally took up building the career of a future celebrity. First of all, he recommended that she change her name. Betty turned into Lauren Bacall.
She was approved for the main role in the film. The director was also involved in staging the voice of the aspiring actress. Neither the slight nasalness nor the great height suited him. The teacher achieved a slight hoarseness and lowered voice. Subsequently, critics called this timbre "velvet growl" and "hoarse purr".
Artistic career
Very tall for actresses of the forties, growth, along with a sultry voice, made Lauren stand out from Hollywood starlets. The star's gaze has also become a distinctive feature.
The girl who had gone overboard on the photo tests defiantly looked at the camera, pressing her chin to her chest. Hawkes was delighted with this effect. He even wished to patent such a "know-how", assigning it to a protégé.
After the debut, they launched a large-scale advertising campaign. The result was the fame that came to Lauren. The next step was participation in 1945 in "Secret Agent".
An unsuccessful film almost ruined a career that had begun so successfully. Hawkes' next project in 1946 saved the day. In Deep Sleep, Bacall again played with Bogart.

The critics liked the work. In general, the film was approved, securing the status of "actress noir" for the performer. On the screen, Lauren splendidly transformed herself into a fatal beauty with a piercing gaze and a strong character.
Hollywood bosses appreciated the new duo and immediately began filming two films in a similar genre, inviting Bacall and Bogart to "Black Stripe" and "Key Largo" in the late forties. Realizing the full power of talent, Lauren began a more careful selection of proposals.
The girl rejected scenarios that were uninteresting to her. For this she was given the title of a difficult actress, but this situation did not affect the formation of the performer.
At the height of glory
By the fifties, she did not become obsessed with the image of the fatal beauty, but tried to choose a completely opposite film image.
She co-starred with Gary Cooper in the drama Bright Leaf in 1950, and starred in the musical Trumpet with Kirk Douglas and Doris Day.
The comedic character of the young millionaire hunter Shatzi Page in the cult 1953 film "How to Marry a Millionaire" turned into a real creative breakthrough.

Marilyn Monroe and Betty Gable worked on the same site with Lauren. The comedy debut garnered critical acclaim. The 1956 painting "Words Written in the Wind" also became a landmark work.
This time, Bacall has transformed you into a melodramatic heroine. Since the sixties, the actress practically did not act in film, as she switched to the theatrical stage. The 1959 Broadway play Goodbye Charlie made a successful debut.
Until the seventies, Lauren constantly played on stage. During this period, Murder on the Orient Express and Harper were especially notable. In 1981, the actress was invited to the horror film The Fan.
Critics 'reviews of the directors' work were controversial, but Bacall's play was especially noted. The role was called her best since the forties.
For the secondary heroine in the 1996 melodrama "The Mirror Has Two Faces" the performer was nominated for an Oscar for the first time. However, the prize went to Juliette Binoche.

But Lauren received the "Golden Globe" with the Screen Actors Guild of the United States, however, already in the nineties. By the beginning of the millennium, the renowned artist had performed prominent supporting roles in Dogville and Birth.
The actress took part in the scoring of several cartoons. The Witch and High Witch from Spirited Away and Scooby-Doo and the Goblin King spoke in her voice.
Also among the voiced characters was the orphanage teacher in Ernest and Celestine.
The final role of Lauren in 2012 was the heroine from "Carmel" Anna-Maria. The awards were found by the performer at the end of her career.
She won two Tony Applause and Woman of the Year awards. She was awarded two Golden Globes. For her contribution to world cinema, Bacall received the Berlinale in 1997, and another Oscar in 2009.

Work and family life
In 1945, Lauren became the wife of Humphrey Bogart. The couple had a child in 1949. The actors' son Stephen Humphrey became a news producer and documentary filmmaker.
In 1952 Stephen received his sister Leslie Howard. She chose the nursing profession and worked as a yoga instructor.
Lauren and Humphi lived together for twelve years. The marriage in 1957 was cut short by the death of Bogart.
Three years later, Bacall became the wife of Jason Robards.
Then their son Sam was born. He also chose acting.
The family broke up after eight years.

In 2014, the actress passed away, not having lived just a month to the age of nineties.