Stanislav Yuryevich Sadalsky is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, television and radio host, journalist and blogger. He is an Honored Artist of the RSFSR and People's Artist of the Chuvash Republic. Despite his high popularity and fame in Soviet times, the actor, according to him, often experienced financial difficulties then. And after the collapse of the economy and the state crisis in 1991, he lost about 100,000 rubles, which he kept in the Savings Bank. Fans are interested in the current state of affairs in the life of their idol.

Currently, the popular actor Stanislav Sadalsky is better known as the “people's blogger of Russia” and the “king of scandals”, because he actively uses the Live Journal platform and often becomes a key figure in various scandals that appear on the pages of leading domestic publications. In this regard, the artist regularly shares with the press classified information of a personal nature about the relationship between the actresses who considered him a friend and their children. So, many have witnessed a "strange" family connection between Tatyana Vasilyeva and her son.
short biography
On August 8, 1951, in the village of Chkalovskoye (according to other information, in the village of Shygyrdan) of the Chuvash Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, a future popular actor was born in the family of school teachers. Despite the statement about Russian belonging, Stanislav Sadalsky nevertheless admits that there are Jewish, Chuvash, Ukrainian and Polish roots in his genealogy.

At the age of 12, the boy was left without a mother. The son completely blamed her death on his father, who regularly beat her along with the children. And then there was a Voronezh boarding school and a complete rupture of relations between Stanislav and his parent. And in 1991, his younger brother also died, whose ashes rest in a cemetery in St. Petersburg.
During his school years, Sadalsky actively participated in amateur performances. In his memories of that time, the role of Signor Pomodoro, performed on the local stage, still plays a great role. And after receiving a certificate of maturity, the young man decides to enter the capital's theater university. However, due to the wrong bite, it is not accepted anywhere. And he is forced to work for some time at the Yaroslavl engine plant, at the same time entering the stage of the local house of culture.
In 1969, Stanislav was still lucky, and he was admitted to GITIS, which he successfully graduated in 1973. And the adult life of the actor began with the Mayakovsky Theater, from where, two days later, he was forced to leave because of the scandal with A. Goncharov. And then for 8 years he was accepted into the troupe of "Contemporary". However, even here he could not fully realize himself, since the directors never entrusted him with the main role.
Stanislav Sadalsky made his cinematic debut during the filming of the film City of First Love (1970). And the first fame came to him after the release of the film Three Days in Moscow (1974). And, of course, the talented actor was able to become the idol of millions of fans after the release of the title films "The meeting place cannot be changed" and "Say a word about the poor hussar", where his memorable characters gave rise to many winged expressions that went into the people.
Personal life
The romantic aspect of Stanislav Sadalsky's life cannot be called bright and multifaceted. Despite his marital status related to marriage to a woman living in Finland who gave birth to his daughter Pirio in 1975, this family union is more like a formality. After all, the spouses do not live together, and the daughter saw her father only twice in her entire life and does not even know Russian.

The press has repeatedly reported on romantic stories associated with the popular actor. Moreover, his chosen ones were often famous domestic movie stars. However, each time Sadalsky refused to comment on this.
Stanislav Sadalsky today
The latest news from Sadalsky's life includes information about the ban in 2017 of his entry to Ukraine because of his performances in Crimea last year. The artist himself did not hide his disappointment about this.

The artist's anthropometric data (height - 190 cm, weight - 110 kg) speak volumes about his attitude to physical education and sports. The actor himself, commenting on this aspect of his life, notes that he prefers “to die at the table than on the track”. However, fans note that recently he has lost a lot of weight. This can be clearly seen in his current photographs.
It is also known about especially negative relations between Sadalsky and the actress Udovichenko, with whom he went together on the set of the film "The meeting place cannot be changed." However, in 2016, information appeared in the public domain about the end of the 10-year feud of popular artists.
As a radio host, the Honored Artist of the RSFSR performed on the waves of "Silver Rain" and "RFE". And in the role of a television presenter and author of the project, the country saw him on the program "The Lone Jester Show", where, together with T. Kandelaki and later N. Ruslanova, he told his audience about the life of unusual people, including adventurers of all stripes and mystics.
In order to assess the income level of a popular actor and presenter, it is necessary to take into account not only his professional activities, but also publications in newspapers and magazines. In addition, he has published several books of the biographical genre.
Currently, the scandalous blog in LiveJournal, brilliantly maintained by Sadalsky, is one of the most widely read in the country. Here he shares information about political and social life, as well as about himself, acquaintances and famous people. The greatest resonance among fans of the famous artist's work is caused by his friendship with Mikhail Saakashvili, which he is undoubtedly proud of, declaring this openly on his blog.