What Are The Songs With Male Names

What Are The Songs With Male Names
What Are The Songs With Male Names

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Since ancient times, songwriters have dedicated their creations to specific people. Among the addressees were not only rulers and heroes, but also ordinary people. This tradition has survived to this day. Among folk, pop and bard songs, you will find many of those that mention male names. Knowing these songs can be very helpful if you are going to wish a person a happy birthday.

What are the songs with male names
What are the songs with male names


Step 1

In Russian folk songs, ballads and epics, heroes, fictional or real, are most often mentioned. Perhaps the most popular epic names are Ilya and Vasily. It is quite easy to stylize an epic melody if you have a guitar, kantele or gusli at hand. One or two chords are enough to indicate the rhythm. The lines are pronounced slowly and expressively, with the observance of logical stress. In romances, male names are not found very often, but there are. For example, in the pre-war years the romance "Sasha, do you remember our meetings?" performed by Isabella Yurieva.

Step 2

There are a lot of male names in war songs. These are Mishka-Odessa from the song of the same name from the repertoire of Leonid Utesov, Vasya-Vasilek from the song of A. Novikov and A. Alymov, Vanya-Ovanes-Vano, about which the Alexandrov ensemble sang once. In the interwar period, two songs about Andryusha were in great fashion, one of them was sung by Pyotr Leshchenko. The name Andrei is also found among modern pop performers - for example, Irina Allegrova.

Step 3

The repertoire of pop performers includes songs about Vasily (Trofim and the Dune group), Eugene (Dune), Dimka (Assorti). The name Aleksey is quite common - both "Combination" and "Hands up", and Trofim, and Zara, and many other performers sing about Lech.

Step 4

For some reason, the name Sergei is especially popular among bards. These are Seryoga Sanin from the song of Yuri Vizbor, and Seryoga, with whom the lyric hero of Vladimir Vysotsky drank, and childhood friend Alexander Dolsky. But, of course, there are other names - Konstantin by Alexander Rosenbaum, Arkash by Yuri Vizbor. However, bards, as a rule, turn to personal friends in their songs, so Seryozha, Arkasha, and Kostya are specific people, not fictional characters.

Step 5

English, Scottish and Irish folklore has become especially popular in recent decades. There are plenty of male songs in the songs of these peoples. In folk songs there are the names John, Sean, Pete, Jimmy, Alleyn, Dick. Perhaps, English and Scottish names in songs are now no less popular than Russian ones.

Step 6

An interest in the folklore of the British Isles gave rise to an interest in folk music in general. At folklore festivals, you can now hear the music of all the peoples of the world. Accordingly, male names sound as well. In Polish, Czech, and Belarusian songs, the name Yas or Yan is quite often found, in Bulgarian - Vasil or Plamen. However, the number of male names is quite large, there are many songs about real men. If you wish, you can come up with your own - with the name of your best friend or loved one.
