There is a state in life when you do not want anything. Work and study proceed by inertia, meetings with friends are postponed until later. And even the clicking of the remote control of the TV channels is only annoying. Sometimes boredom borders on depression, in which the desire to live disappears. In this case, only specialists, psychologists or psychotherapists can help a person get out of lingering apathy. But there is also temporary boredom that you can dispel yourself.

Step 1
Try to find the cause of your condition. Think back to when the boredom started. Perhaps it depends on the weather, the menstrual cycle, or low blood pressure. Then you can relax and get bored a little more, realizing that this will soon pass.
Step 2
Write on paper a list of the things that may please you at the moment. Do not limit yourself, come up with more subtle options. For example, a trip to Africa or filming a movie with your favorite artist. Then start realizing your fantasy: search the Internet for tours to an exotic country and stories of travelers, go to the studio's website and leave a request for a role in the crowd. Sometimes the process is more exciting than the result, even if in the end nothing comes of it, at least you entertain yourself.
Step 3
Ask your friends to shower you positively. Let them send jokes, funny drawings, links to funny sites. Look through them all, if not on the first, then on the last you will definitely stop getting bored.
Step 4
Boredom does not know the one who has no time. Keep yourself busy for at least one day. Write down the plan in minutes, and strictly follow it. At the end of the day, promise yourself a reward.
Step 5
Get out into fresh air. Ideally - to the forest for the whole day, but you can just go to the park for a couple of hours. Not alone, but in a big noisy company. Do not give up any team games: you will get carried away in the process.