After the release of the series "Brigade", Dmitry Dyuzhev's popularity went through the roof. Thousands of female fans saw in him his hero - the Cosmos: a daring, arrogant womanizer. In fact, in real life, Dmitry was an intelligent, delicate and rather closed person. Perhaps that is why he met a girl with whom he was able to create one of the most beautiful couples in Russian cinema.

Romantic acquaintance
As Dyuzhevs often joke now, they were "introduced by Madonna." Here is how it was. Dima came to the Moscow concert of the legendary singer. According to numerous reviews, this was one of her worst performances. The show was delayed for more than 2 hours, the audience became nervous and began to disperse. Dyuzhev also wanted to leave, but, according to his recollections, some force from above stopped him.

He clearly felt at that moment that if he left, he would miss the most important thing in his life. And after a few minutes I noticed in the crowd a graceful petite blonde with an angelic appearance. Dmitry and Tatiana met, but there could be no question of any impetuous romance. Firstly, the girl was from a very strict family, and secondly, she herself was embarrassed by the fame of Dyuzhev, which at that time was at its peak. For a long time it seemed to her that she was another star's adventure, although Dmitry did not give a reason to think so: these were just Tatiana's stereotypes.
Who is Tatiana Dyuzheva?
The girl's doubts about the new boyfriend were understandable. Tatiana Dyuzheva (nee Zaitseva) is from a modest and intelligent family. Her mother worked as a teacher, her father worked as an engineer. The Zaitsevs have always lived very modestly, prioritizing good education, culture, and intelligence. That is why at first it seemed to Tatyana that a popular actor with a reputation as a favorite of women would not fit into the paradigm of their family values.

Tatiana Zaitseva received an excellent education. She graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University with a degree in educational psychology. After that she entered, she graduated from the RANEPA (Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration), where she received a diploma in financier. At the time of his acquaintance with Dyuzhev, his future wife worked in a large financial corporation and planned to make a serious career in this area.
Heaven-blessed marriage
Despite the media presence, the Dyuzhevs are a surprisingly simple, harmonious and churchly couple. Spouses often give interviews together, while not “dumping” the inside of their relationship on the public, not betting on shocking, but voicing many sincere, deep thoughts. The theme of faith is heard very often in their phrases. Dmitry and Tatiana are happy to talk about their path in Orthodoxy and about the wonderful events associated with religion.
An amazing story happened to the Dyuzhevs during one of their visits to their spiritual mentor in the Pskov-Pechersk Lavra. This was the first meeting with a monk, during which the priest asked, "Where are your boys?" At that time, the future spouses did not think about children, since they were not even married yet, so they took this question with bewilderment. However, in the end, fate turned out exactly like this: two sons are growing up in the Dyuzhev family - Vanya and Dima.

By the way, a prophecy is also associated with the birth of the first child. The young people got married in the Church of St. John the Theologian, and the priest told them during the ceremony that now their family is under the patronage of St. John the Theologian. On this memorable day, Tatyana was already expecting a child, so together with her husband they decided to name the baby Ivan. Imagine their surprise when the birth took place exactly on the Feast of St. John the Theologian - August 8, 2008!
After marriage, Tatiana decided to leave work and take care of the house and children. Of course, she does not completely dissolve in her husband: on the contrary, Dmitry considers his wife "the center of the universe."At this stage of their family life, a lot of time is spent on raising and developing children, and this is Tatyana's key task, for the sake of which career ambitions can be pushed into the background.
Tatiana provides tremendous support to Dmitry in his work. At the very beginning of their family life, Dyuzhev had a rather crisis period in the cinema. The "Brigade" died down, no new worthy proposals were received, while the role of a bandit did not give the actor the opportunity to try himself in new guises.
At that time, Dmitry entered the directing courses, devoted all his time to study and work in the theater. Of course, big incomes were out of the question then. Dyuzhev returned late in the evening from the next performance and began to work on scenarios, storyboards, directorial explications. Tatiana helped him in editing and editing scripts, the couple built scenes together.

The Dyuzhevs rented an apartment and there was no luxury in their lives. This state of affairs did not bother Tatyana at all, because in her childhood she learned to cope with difficulties. In the difficult Soviet times, the Zaitsev family had a shortage of money, like many in those days, so Tanya sometimes had to wear clothes for her older brother. However, the situation improved very soon. Dmitry Dyuzhev's career has gone uphill: today he is a sought-after artist, making a brilliant career in cinema and involved in many television projects.
Tatiana got a job as a school psychologist - in her main profession. This allows her to be closer to the children and to deal professionally with the rare childhood problems of boys.