When Will The Eurovision Final

When Will The Eurovision Final
When Will The Eurovision Final

After the onset of the new century, Russians are quite successful in performing at the largest European song contest, Eurovision - six times our representative was among the top three winners. And after even the grandmothers from Udmurtia were able to cope with the second line of the final table, the enthusiasm of domestic fans of pop music and TV contests will undoubtedly increase even more. Therefore, the question of when the next final will take place is becoming more and more popular.

When will the Eurovision final
When will the Eurovision final

The exact date for the semi-final and final performances of the participants in the Eurovision Song Contest is set by the host country of the competition. According to the rules established by the European Broadcasting Union, which organizes and largely finances TV shows, this country is determined every year - it becomes a state whose representative wins the next competition.

In 2011, singers from Azerbaijan scored the highest number of points in the final voting, and the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 was held in the capital of this country - Baku. The organizers have chosen four days for it at the end of May. On the 22nd and 24th the semi-finals took place, and on May 26 the main event took place - the final performance of the 26 best participants of this year's competition. The winner was a singer from Sweden, which means that the Swedish representatives will determine the exact date and venue for the 2013 Eurovision final.

There are no dates fixed in any paragraphs of the competition rules for holding the finals, but there are traditions that have been established for decades - the competition has been held since 1956. According to them, one of the Saturdays in May is appointed for the final show, and the competition begins at 21 o'clock in Western European summer time, which corresponds to 23 o'clock Moscow time. This is due to the fact that the competition is held by a union of TV broadcasters, for which Saturday evening is the most optimal time to gather the largest viewership. TV companies know what they are doing - apart from non-sporting events, Eurovision is traditionally the most popular television event of the year, attracting up to 600 million viewers.

Therefore, with a high degree of probability, we can assume that the final of Eurovision-2013 will take place on one of four days - May 4, 11, 18 or 25 next year. Unless, of course, something unexpected happens. In this case, we are not talking about the end of the world expected in December - the finals of the competition had to be postponed three times for more prosaic reasons. Monaco, Luxembourg and Israel waived their "winner's right" for financial reasons, but in such cases, good old England came to the rescue every time. You can be sure that the final will take place, if not in Sweden, then in England, and it will not be possible to find out exactly when this will happen until next year.
