The father is a faithful support and support for a person for life, as well as a symbol of wisdom and protection. Therefore, the appearance of the father in a dream is interpreted in a similar way.

A dream of a father
If the father is alive and well in real life, such a dream can mean his love and care. He thinks about you and will provide support at the right time.
If you have not seen your father for a long time, this may mean that you will meet very soon.
If you dreamed of a long-dead father, this is a sign of the solvability of problems and difficulties. The father is a symbol of support. Remember what he told you in a dream and what advice he gave. In reality, this information can be very useful. It is she who will tell you a way out of this unpleasant situation.
If you see in a dream the funeral of a father who is still alive, then the dream should be taken from the opposite. It symbolizes your parent's health and longevity. A crying, grieving father may dream of disappointment in your chosen one. Your father is drunk or sick in a dream - such a dream may be a sign of a collapse of hopes, a loss of support. If your father died long ago, but dreamed of calling you somewhere, beware! In reality, danger should be expected.
What psychologists say about a dream about a father
It is quite natural to see a father in a dream. At any moment in life you may need support, advice, help in solving a problem. Inner doubts find a way out in a dream, sending different images. From the point of view of psychologists, a dream in which you see your father is a sign of internal conflicts, doubts, searching for answers to questions, and the need to feel support.
A dream where you are having a calm conversation with your father, who is awake, may mean the need to see him and talk.
According to another interpretation, it is a symbol of success, self-confidence, inner strength.
Seeing an already deceased father in a dream can mean an internal conflict. Fighting with your father - such a dream suggests that you cannot or do not want to make a decision. When you try to choose between “I want it this way” and “it’s necessary to do it,” you are trying to isolate yourself from the problem or leave it to another person to solve it.
Seeing the funeral or death of your father is a sign that you are ready for independence, you have already broken away from his care and are capable of making independent decisions. Such a dream speaks of the rejection of psychological dependence on any even the smallest patronage of the father.
A dream in which you kill your father has a similar meaning - you are struggling to gain independence. However, if you were in reality attending your father's funeral, the dream can be interpreted differently - this event caused you a trauma that you cannot cope with.