Why Is The Ex-boyfriend Dreaming

Why Is The Ex-boyfriend Dreaming
Why Is The Ex-boyfriend Dreaming

People say that if a person is dreaming of you, then you are thinking about him or he is thinking about you. But if this is not the case, if this is the person with whom you no longer communicate and with whom you no longer have anything in common, most likely your dreams are connected with something else.

Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming
Why is the ex-boyfriend dreaming

Maybe a former man in a dream is some kind of sign?

Before answering such questions to yourself, just think about how you feel about this person. It is possible that this young man is still in your heart, you just carefully try to hide it. After all, girls are more vulnerable than guys, and they don't want to show their weak side.

Most likely, you are simply hiding your emotions, because you do not want someone to find out that you are still not indifferent to your past personal life.

In life, you can be very angry with this person and prove to everyone that love is gone. In fact, this may not be the case at all. Yes, you live your normal life, but every day you just briefly remember him, you can even remember your quarrels or moments when he offended you, but still these memories do not give you a normal real life.

Most likely, you are still hovering a little in the clouds, remembering your previous relationships and strong love.

If you often quarrel with your ex in a dream, in reality this may mean that you are not all finished. Sooner or later, a conversation will await you, maybe it will be a quarrel, or you just tell each other your displeasure. Often such conversations lead to reconciliation.

What can the former mean in a dream if you have already found happiness with another?

It is no secret that before meeting their soul mate, people are faced with pain, betrayal, resentment and separation. But often after a sad end of a relationship, after an unhappy love, their life is getting better, they meet a soul mate and become happy. Everything seems to be fine, only the former does not give rest in his sleep, he constantly dreams, and memories of him come to mind every day.

Perhaps these dreams mean some kind of association or symbolize something. For example, in your current love life, you lack romance, and you start to remember your ex and his romance. This can also be reflected in dreams.

Also remembering the former in reality, you remember, for example, enchanting sex with him. That is, perhaps this is what you lack in everyday life. Therefore, you should reconsider your relationship with your current lover and try to change something in your intimate life.

You should not take such dreams to heart, because dreams are a reflection of reality, where you can simply look at your actions from the outside and think about a lot in reality.

If you dream of your ex on a regular basis, think maybe you just miss this person in your life and miss him. Fix bugs before it's too late.