Many poems and songs have been written about people with brown eyes. Dark-eyed people have long been endowed with special qualities, and their gaze was considered fatal. However, specialists in physiognomy have their own point of view on this matter. They consider the owners of brown eyes to be vulnerable and even romantic people.

Dark brown or black eyes
Owners of this eye color are distinguished by excessive activity. They have endless energy and initiative, they are quite impulsive and adventurous. They constantly set themselves high goals and achieve them. Such people strive for leadership and power, they want to be the first always and in everything. The approval of others is very important for them, otherwise such people simply lose the desire to move forward.
People with brown and black eyes can be sensual, sexy, gentle. They love to be in the spotlight. They know how to please others, radiating endless charm. Such people are well adapted to life and know how to cope with difficulties on their way. People with dark eyes fall in love easily and do their best to attract the attention of the object they like, although they are very selective in their sympathies. They know how to love strongly and sincerely. But it is better not to become an enemy of such people. They can become the instigators of the conflict, but the grievances are quickly forgotten by them. All of the above qualities are most manifested in people with very dark, almost black eyes.
Light brown eyes
The difference between dark brown and light brown eyes may not be as noticeable. However, this does not apply to the characters of the owners of such eyes, since they differ significantly from each other. People with hazel eyes are prone to loneliness, shy and often plunge into the world of their fantasies and dreams. They are not distinguished by decisiveness and initiative, they prefer to stay on the sidelines. They are pragmatic, as a result of which they are able to show good results in work and work. Such people are responsible, they can easily be entrusted with any business with full confidence in its success.
Owners of light brown eyes strive for independence in everything. This trait helps them focus on their business and achieve great success. They do not tolerate outside influence, prefer dreaming to active action. They do not show initiative and tend to be lazy. It may seem to others that such people are docile and gentle, however, inside there is a constant desire to do everything in their own way. By their nature, the most successful are when they rely only on themselves and their strength.
According to experts, people with hazel eyes are quite impressionable and sensual. Because of this, they are hard at grievances and conflict situations, although they do not show their appearance. Such people are amorous and tender.