The Energy Of Life

The Energy Of Life
The Energy Of Life

The presence of cosmic energy in the space around us is undeniable. Great scientists with special amusement approached the consideration and study of this topic. So we will try to touch on this issue.

The energy of life
The energy of life

To start an activity that will help our body replenish with vital energy, we must bring our body out of a sleepy state. It is a five-minute run in place that will allow us to wake up sleeping organs and systems. Running should be carried out exclusively barefoot and without unnecessary clothing. The next step on the path to gaining bioenergy characterizes our understanding of what exercise needs to be done, changing the total tension with the utmost relaxation. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that the transition should be reproduced as quickly as possible.

A powerful shallow breath supplies air to our lungs to the fullest. By opening our mouth wide, we allow the air to vigorously push out of our lungs as we relax.

Tension and relaxation continues for a period of 4 seconds. But only after a year of constant training are we allowed to increase the frequency to 6 seconds. Since vital energy is absorbed through the surface of the skin, our body needs to be exposed as much as possible. During the lesson, it is worthwhile to clearly understand that the physical body is replenished with an important substance from the environment. It is advisable to do the lesson with your eyes closed 2 times a day: in the morning and before dreams.

This exercise will allow us to build up vital energy in our stress-weary times to feel comfortable.
