Computer games have a very strange whim: they run in windowed mode when they are not asked to do so. However, there is always a way to tame the obstinate, which can be useful to any user.

Step 1
Explore the game settings menu. Most often, "windowed mode" can be turned on and off as you wish in the "Settings -> Video" menu or similar. If the game does not have an "options" menu, then there will be a configurator program in the root directory, which will allow you to determine the parameters you need before starting. After opening it and setting the checkboxes you need in the settings (again, you will probably need to select the "video" tab), you will need to select the "Run with the selected parameters" item so that later the game will always work in full screen.
Step 2
Use the "hot" keys. To expand to full screen, there is a standard combination: "Alt + Enter", which is used in most programs on Windows. However, check out the help file for the game: some casual games have their own hotkeys to expand to full screen. Also be sure to check the expand button in the corner of the window (which you use to open the folder full screen).
Step 3
Change your screen resolution. The method, of course, is a bit barbaric, but quite effective: go into the monitor resolution settings (right-click on the desktop -> Screen Resolution) and select the combination that is used by the program during operation. Thus, a game launched on a screen of the same resolution will automatically expand to full screen. The opposite way can work with the same success: go to the game settings and select the resolution that matches the size of your monitor.
Step 4
Check the properties of the shortcut. All programs run "full screen" by default, unless otherwise specified. Going into the properties of the shortcut, you will see a line with the directory to which this shortcut refers. Please note that "-windowed" should not be added after this directory: this is an option that forces the game to start in windowed mode. After removing this signature, feel free to start the game - it will definitely start full screen.