Diaper Cake - What Is Required For It?

Diaper Cake - What Is Required For It?
Diaper Cake - What Is Required For It?

For the birth of a baby, a gift is made that will be useful to the little man. In infancy, children need a lot. One of the most essential things that is used on a daily basis is a diaper. A large number of them leave, and they are always needed. Therefore, a diaper cake will be an excellent gift for a newborn.

Diaper cake - what is required for it?
Diaper cake - what is required for it?

It is clear that the main component of the diaper cake will be the diapers themselves. You need to choose them wisely. It should be remembered that every baby is different and delicate skin can be prone to diaper rash. To prevent this from happening, you should ask the parents of the baby in advance what exactly they use.

To collect such beauty as a diaper cake, you will need handymen, as well as auxiliary materials. Without fail, a base is needed for the cake. Most often it is thick cardboard. A circle of such a diameter is cut out of it, which will correspond to the size of the planned cake.

Diapers will be fastened with a regular rubber band. The elastic must be strong and must not burst so that the structure does not fall apart.

Diaper cake is made in several tiers. In order for all the tiers to be stable, some object must fit in the center of the cake, around which diapers will be exhibited. This item can be a tall, but not too bulky toy or some kind of bath product. the bottle should also be tall. You can also use a plastic feeding bottle to help your baby in the future.

To decorate the cake, you will need beautiful ribbons, decorative flowers and fabric bows. To make the cake look harmonious, all decorative elements need to be selected in the same color scheme. It should also be noted that if the cake is intended for a boy, then you need to use a blue scale, if for girls - pink. As a decor, you can use a small toy, a rattle, a pacifier and booties. The latter can be placed on the very top of the cake.

The finished cake must be wrapped in transparent paper and tied with a gift bow or a satin ribbon bow.

A diaper cake is a very practical and useful gift for a baby. It also looks unusual. In the process of work, you can show any creative thought.
