Unlike the animals from the Ukrainian fable "Rukavichka", who decided to settle in a mitten, the animals from the Russian folk tale "Teremok" built themselves a dwelling that resembles a Russian house.

Step 1
Draw a small wooden house, but so that all the heroes of the fairy tale about the teremok can fit in it - a mouse, a frog, a bunny, a chanterelle, a wolf and a bear. Place it on a piece of paper so that two sides are visible. Cut the logs into circles. You can paint cracks on them for more realism.
Step 2
Attach a wooden porch and steps to one side of the house, three of them will be enough. Decorate the sides of the ladder with carved planks. Draw jambs and a door on the wall, do not forget about forged hinges and a handle.
Step 3
Draw the roof of the house, it should be high enough for an additional window to fit under the ridge. Decorate the ridge with horse carvings. Don't forget the brick-lined oven tube. Also draw a gable roof above the porch, decorated with carved wooden details.
Step 4
Draw 3 windows - on the side of the tower where there are no doors and steps, under the ridge above it, and under the roof of the porch. Draw open carved window shutters and embroidered curtains. Use decorative elements typical of Russian village houses. Draw a bench made of hemp and plank under the window. Place a woodpile near the porch.
Step 5
Place all the heroes of the fairy tale in the drawn tower. Place the frog and mouse in the upper windows, the hare on the roof, the chanterelle on the porch. Draw a wolf looking out of the largest window. You should not put a bear in a house. Try to at least approximately observe the proportions of animals so that the hare does not turn out to be the size of a bear.
Step 6
Color in the drawing. Perform the teremok itself in brown tones, paint the decorative elements on the shutters and the ridge of the roof with bright colors - red and white. Give the pipe a reddish brown color. Color the animals.