Viktor Andrienko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Viktor Andrienko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life
Viktor Andrienko: Biography, Creativity, Career, Personal Life

Viktor Andrienko is a popular actor and director. He is better known to the wide cinematic community for his secondary comedic characters in such films as "Valentine's Night", "The Day of the Vanquished", "The One Who Walked Through the Fire", as well as the TV series "Voronins", "The Newlyweds", "Kostoprav" and "Tales of Mitya".

Viktor Andrienko is always focused before entering the set
Viktor Andrienko is always focused before entering the set

short biography

The future popular comedian was born on September 19, 1959 in Zaporozhye. The family where he grew up and was brought up did not differ in the presence of personalities known to the world of culture and art. Despite this, the natural gift of acting began to make itself felt from early childhood. But contrary to nature, after receiving a certificate of secondary education, Victor decided to study as a pastry chef.

For some time, the young man honestly tried to realize himself in the profession he received. However, the moment came when he nevertheless decided on serious changes in his life, becoming a student of the famous Karpenko-Kary University in Kiev. It was on the course with the teacher Stavitsky that the novice artist was able to obtain the necessary thematic knowledge base, which helped him rise to the pinnacle of cinematic fame today.

Creative career

During his studies at school, Victor diligently went in for sports, which, ultimately, was beneficial in his future profession. After all, he made his film debut precisely as a stuntman. And his first films were his roles in the projects "Don't Cry, Girl", "Wedding Wreath, or Odyssey Ivanka", "Piggy Bank", "Shurochka", "The Temptation of Don Juan", "The Trust That Burst", "The Sixth" and others. …

As a rule, Andrienko reincarnated as law enforcement officers, military personnel, athletes and bandits. His ability to control his body came in handy when falling from a height, eliminating the consequences of fires and in other extreme situations. It is interesting that, despite the spectator passivity in relation to himself, Victor showed remarkable ability to endure and not give up.

The first signs of popularity came to the actor after the voice acting of the animated films "Treasure Island" and "Return to Treasure Island". It was the duplication of the character of Captain Smollett that became his calling card later. Currently, the filmography of the famous actor includes such well-known film projects as "Comedy Quartet", "Voronins", "Nine Lives of Nestor Makhno", "Police Academy", "Beach Club by Interest", "Reporting", "Weevils Show", "Attorney at Law", "Private Police", "Boxers Prefer Blondes", "One on New Year's Eve" and others.

A distinctive feature of Viktor Andrienko's character is his constant self-criticism in a comedic form. Apparently, it is this property that allows him to transform so naturally into his characters. Indeed, in the opinion of both experts and spectators, his characters are distinguished by a special naturalness and liveliness, which bring so many characteristic emotions to any film project. And the last film of the actor includes his role in the incendiary comedy "Odessa Foundling".

Personal life of the artist

Despite his particular openness to the press on creative issues, Viktor Andrienko is completely closed in relation to family life. However, it is known that the popular actor is married to Anna Andrienko. The family idyll of the spouses is shared by their son Valery Andrienko.
