Valdis Pelsh is a popular Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, musician, producer, television presenter and director. He is also known as one of the organizers of the musical group "Accident". Of course, fans are interested in learning about how much and how their idol earns in order to get an idea of the level of his life.

A native of Riga and a native of an ordinary family, he was born on June 5, 1967. Valdis Pelsh made himself especially vivid back in the "dashing nineties", when the television program with his participation "Guess the Melody" was like a ray of light through the clouds against the background of numerous projects where mediocre personalities tried to make their way in the creative field. Despite the fact that this artist is not a carrier of the youth subculture, many representatives of the older and middle generations know and remember him well enough. And therefore, their interest in the financial solvency of this talented Latvian can be considered justified even now.
Money and creativity
Valdis Pelsh today can be called a real veteran of Channel One. Here, in the last season, he initiated the release of a patriotic documentary project about Soviet heroes-pilots called "People who made the Earth round." Many interested people perceived this good initiative of the artist for his involvement in the general trend of national patriotic sentiments.

The TV presenter himself explains this new experience in completely different categories. He believes that indisputable historical facts stand outside politics and ideology. Indeed, transpolar air flights in 1937 are comparable to the first manned flight into space in 1961. Valdis is surprised that the whole world knows about the feat of Yuri Gagarin, while the heroic activity of the aviators has undeservedly sunk into oblivion.
If you make a mass survey of the population, then besides Chkalov, few people today can name other names. In this regard, the lines of General M. Gromov are very appropriate, who in his letter to A. Yumashev, dated 1967, congratulates him on the 30th anniversary of great achievements and says: "But there is not a word about us in the press …". But a glaring historical injustice can be corrected by the descendants of those heroes. And for this you just need to remember them.
An interesting fact is, for example, how the American observers reacted to the legendary flight of Chkalov. Immediately after landing, they asked the pilot to show them which engine is installed on the aircraft. And when they saw a Russian motor (and not an American, German or French!), They were sincerely surprised by this circumstance. And such things, no doubt, glorify our Fatherland.
However, in the history of air travel in 1937, the main winners of the elements were not the technical achievements of our country, but human heroism and the desire to glorify their homeland. And to implement the project, it took two years of fundraising, large-scale archival work and a time-consuming filming process. Therefore, the patriotic aspect and economic benefits recede into the background when it comes to a business that is simply liked by its historical value.
The humble life of a creative person
According to Valdis, modern television refers to the documentary genre today as poor relatives. Therefore, adherents of historical accuracy are not businessmen at all, but precisely fans of their business. Funding is always in short supply, which is why you have to minimize costs in everything, including the salaries of project participants. This project Pelsh generally worked without monetary remuneration, since the entire budget was used for the acquisition of archival chronicles and its coloring.

Valdis noted that he chose a new direction in his activities not for enrichment, but solely to assert himself in it in leading roles in the country. It is the name in documentary journalism that is a priority for him, and the decent salary of Channel One allows him to stay afloat, because Valdis Pelsh has been a full-time employee of this commercial organization for many years.
When asked about creative accents (documentary films or entertainment programs), the TV presenter confidently replies that he will strive to succeed in both areas of activity. He even shared his ideas for 5 more documentaries with the press. In addition, he noted that his low workload on Channel One in his usual role as the leading entertainment genre allows him to fully realize himself in a new undertaking.
And what's the bottom line?
Despite the great name of Valdis Pelsh in our country as an entertainer, which allows him to be considered one of the leading specialists in the entertainment genre, the artist himself is ready to develop further. It is known that an invitation to a corporate gala event of this artist is on average estimated at 250,000 rubles.

Now, few people remember that the professional career of a television presenter was preceded by musical creativity as part of the rock group "Accident", where Valdis Pelsh performed with Alexei Kortnev. But even those earnings could hardly be called serious. It is no coincidence that these pages of the life of the eminent Latvian are little known today.
So it turns out that the myth of the high profitability of Valdis Pelsh's projects today is not supported by anything in fact. This talented and energetic person continues to actively develop. Moreover, he does this not because of economic considerations, but exclusively on a voluntary basis. Previously, the phrase “out of love for art” was used in relation to such people.