Most of the men's haircuts are done "under the typewriter." Easy, fast and beautiful. Although the first time, it is unlikely that you will be able to cut your husband or son evenly. In order to create neat hairstyles using the machine, you must first learn how to work with it.

Step 1
Do not forget that the haircut is performed only on dry hair, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences. Before you start cutting with a clipper, you need to prepare your hair. To do this, comb them along the growth line. From the crown of the head, comb towards the forehead, on the temples - to the ear, from the back - towards the neck. It is most convenient to start a haircut from the forehead. If a man has long hair, then you can comb it slightly on the forehead. Start cutting like this: place the comb at the roots, where the hair begins to grow, and lift them up on it. And then use a machine to cut them according to the length you would like to see.
Step 2
Cut the parietal area using the widest nozzle. This should be done, going down a little to the temples. To get an even haircut, comb your hair along the growth line, and cut, on the contrary, against. Since you make a lot of movements, you need to lead the apparatus, pressing the rod to the head with a certain angle, which does not change. In this case, you must not forget about the constant brushing of your hair. This will help you see where imperfections remain and correct them.
Step 3
Cut your hair in stripes only. One - the main one - runs in the middle of the head from the forehead, the second next to the left, the third and fourth will already be in the left ear. Draw the stripes to the right in the same way. After the front part of the hairstyle is ready, you need to process the back of the head. To do this, you need to change the nozzle to the smallest one. You need to cut the back of the head from below, leading the machine up. After, without changing the attachment, even out the haircut on the temples.
Step 4
In places where the hair grows in different directions, you need to change the direction of the clipper's teeth so that they can cut the hair in the direction opposite to their growth. You need to be very careful to level behind the ears. To do this, slightly bend your ear (on the left - with your thumb, on the right - with your little finger). After the haircut is over, remove the attachment and carefully shape the smooth transitions from the parietal zone to the rest.
Step 5
After finishing clipping with the clipper, use regular scissors. Correct any flaws. And that's it - the fashionable hairstyle is ready.