There is an opinion that "as you name the boat, so it will float." Therefore, it is so important to come up with a good name for your team, as well as a motto that will cheer you up before the competition.

Step 1
When coming up with a name for the team, show a little imagination, otherwise you will become one of the many groups called "Extreme" or "Young tourist". Turn to wildlife - choose the name of the representative of the fauna that is associated with the sport in which you compete, or just close to you in spirit. Then add your city name to it. "Irkutsk Bears" or "St. Petersburg Lions" is a suitable name for a strong team.
Step 2
You can ask for help not only in biology and geography, but also in history. After all, from there you can glean information about so many brave personalities, whose name will surely raise your morale. Crusaders, gladiators, children of Napoleon - with a similar name, you will certainly perform with dignity.
Step 3
You can get the name from popular cinema as well. "The Magnificent Four", "The Avengers", "300 Spartans", "Daring and Dashing" - this name of the team will intimidate any enemy.
Step 4
After the name of your team has been chosen, you need to come up with a motto. It usually consists of several rhymed lines designed to cheer you up and intimidate the enemy, as well as create a good mood for all participants before the competition. It's great if your team has a poet or at least a person who can rhyme words. It will not be difficult for him to compose a couple of lines.
Step 5
If the poetic gift has bypassed your participants, the Poet's Helper service will help you. Enter the name of your team into a special form on the site, and the server will offer you words that rhyme with it. If you could not find a rhyme that would fit the meaning, it doesn’t matter. Put the title in the middle of the line and choose rhymes for the words "victory", "bold", "favorites", "follow us." After that, you just have to make a proposal with them, which will make sense, and now your motto is ready.