In the past few years, the whole world has taken notice of the hygge phenomenon. This is one of those words that cannot be translated into other languages and which is one of the significant factors in the happiness of Danes.

Hugge. This short word means so much to every Dane. Let's try to figure out what it means.
There is no exact translation of this word into other languages. But it can be explained as a special state when you feel coziness, comfort, trust, safety and warmth. As a rule, hygge is most attainable in a small group of relatives or close friends. Although hygge can be experienced alone if you spend your time the way you like and feel calm and peaceful. For example, on a cold day you watch your favorite movie or read a book wrapped in a blanket and sipping aromatic cocoa.
It is a well-known fact that Denmark is one of the most prosperous countries, and its citizens have all social guarantees, and most of them do not have to worry about basic needs. Since the country has free education and medicine, high benefits, pensions and social benefits, the Danes do not strive so much for very high earnings and luxury life, they do not need to prove anything to each other. A typical Dane is not a workaholic, he will not stay up late in the office, but rather spend this time with his family or in a friendly company. After all, everything that makes a person happy (provided that all basic needs are closed) is obtained free of charge or almost free of charge. These are hugs, warmth of a fireplace, lighted candles, friendly conversation, joint cooking, board games.
Chic, gloss, branded items, chic cars and expensive hotels - these are the things that absolutely contradict the hygge style. Much better is a cozy home with a fireplace, a hand-knitted sweater and warm socks.
How do you achieve a hygge atmosphere? This is achieved by a whole range of factors.
Hygge style interior
Lighting plays a special role. Denmark ranks among the first in the consumption of candles. Electric lighting should not be too bright. Also, much attention is paid to the details of the interior: they should be simple, without pretentiousness. The most appreciated are old things "with history", especially if they are handmade. And, of course, a fireplace is very desirable to create a hygge atmosphere. Especially "hyggelig", that is, "in the power of hygge" - this is when there is a blizzard and bad weather outside the window, and the house is warm and cozy.
Food and drink
The hygge philosophy is not about rigid diets. On the contrary, it says that from time to time you need to indulge yourself with something tasty, for example, pastries, good chocolate and other sweets. It is better if it is not purchased, but prepared, and together with friends or family, so that everyone can take part. Among the drinks, coffee and cocoa, as well as glug, are especially popular. Danes don't mind having a good glass of beer or herbal liqueur.
First of all, cozy and comfortable. A soft sweater, warm socks are what you need. Even office workers are in no hurry to wear starched shirts and uncomfortable ties to work, but combine jackets with something more comfortable.
This is perhaps the main thing that creates hygge style life. A sense of belonging, trust and community with friends who are close in spirit. After all, you can be yourself with them, have conversations or just spend time looking at a burning fireplace.
Happiness in the little things
This is something that needs to be constantly learned and maintained. To experience joy even from the most insignificant and mundane things. Cycling, hanging out with friends, bathing the dog, watching and discussing films, making coffee - these are all priceless hygge moments.
It is worth noting that the best time for hygge is autumn and winter, that is, in the coldest time. The Danes were lucky with the state structure, but they were very unlucky with the weather. And even from the terrible weather, they were able to “profit” and compensate for it hygge. Well, this is something worth learning!