Winter fishing is a very exciting activity. The desired catch of a real fisherman is bream, which can be caught in the reservoir.

Place and time to catch bream
For fishing to be successful, you need to choose the right place for this activity. Professionals advise fishing for bream in and around flooded riverbeds.
First, it is necessary to find the deepest place with the help of an echo sounder, and already from it in the direction of decreasing depth and it is worth drilling holes. The distance between the holes should be 4 meters on average. Thus, you can easily control the depth of the reservoir, find the optimal place for fishing.
You do not need to feed all the holes, but through one.
You should also take into account the time in which fishing is planned. In early January, bream are inactive due to the low level of oxygen in the reservoir, so they react very weakly to bait. During this period, fishing may be ineffective.
In mid-February, bream begins to migrate. It is then that he hunts hard, so he easily swallows the bait.
If we assess the daily activity, then the night is the optimal time when this fish is most actively biting.
How to catch bream in a reservoir
Since bream is a very cautious fish, it is worth choosing the right equipment for catching it.
Very often fishermen use float rods. A hook with a sinker or a jig is often added to such a fishing rod. Experienced fishermen can use different combinations: two jigs of different sizes, a hook and a jig, etc. All this allows you to fish not only in the bottom layer of water, but also from the bottom of the reservoir.
In addition to the float rod, a nod rod is used. This type of tackle makes it possible to play with a jig often and with a greater amplitude. In professional hands, a nodded rod is an excellent weapon for catching bream on the lake.
An experienced angler always uses bait when fishing for bream. Most often, bloodworms are chosen, because it is sold in any fishing store, it is inexpensive, and the fish responds with pleasure to this bait. It is also worth remembering that you cannot throw a large amount of bloodworms into the water at once. After all, this is bait, not food for fish.
Special free-flowing baits are very effective in catching bream. They contain fragrances that can be activated even in cold winter water. The fish easily senses prey and swims to the place where the bait is scattered.
If an angler uses a live worm to catch bream, fishing is always successful. Experts advise to divide the worm before attaching it to the hook, this will contribute to a stronger release of the aroma of the prey.
If the period of active fish migration has already begun, then the bait is sometimes not needed. Bream perfectly reacts to the jig at such moments.
To fish for bream on the reservoir was successful, you need to choose the right place, time, fishing rod, as well as the bait for the fish.