How To Catch Bream

How To Catch Bream
How To Catch Bream

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Bream is a lake-river fish from the carp family. Inhabits water bodies of the European part of Russia and Siberia. Also, this fish can be found in the Black, Caspian and Azov Seas, since bream has the ability to adapt to slightly salted water.

How to catch bream
How to catch bream


Step 1

Bream is found in many rivers, lakes and reservoirs. Prefers warm water, bottom with a predominance of sand, silt and clay. In the fall, it goes into pits at the bottom and spends the whole winter there. Bream live in groups, during the day they constantly migrate in search of food. They do not like areas with a rocky bottom.

Step 2

They catch bream from June to September. It won't bite on hot days. On such days, it is better to catch it in the early morning or late evening. If the day turned out to be cool and cloudy, then you can try to fish during the day. This fish prefers depth, so you need a match rod to catch it. It should be strong and flexible, it is better to take a rod of 4, 2 meters and a test up to 25 grams. The line should be of medium thickness. When fishing for bream, a shock leader is often used. From floats, a waggler works well.

Step 3

If the current is not strong, then the shipping of the float should be 1 gram per 1 meter of depth. The depth of the descent is fixed with locking knots. The float is attached to the line with a swivel with a snap hook No. 18-20. Four pellets # 8 are placed a little lower. A sinker should be located one meter from this structure. A few more pellets are installed just above the small triple swivel, with the help of which the shock leader and the leash are connected. Located at the bottom of the pond, they signal a bite.

Step 4

Bream bites well on maggots or clusters. You can also catch mealworms and caddis larvae. For feeding, it is better to use a special feeding mixture, which is sold in fishing shops. It is good to soak it overnight, then, when scattered in a pond, it will immediately sink to the bottom. I also use steamed bran, porridge, chopped worms for bait.

Step 5

Bream can also be caught in winter. At this time of the year, he gathers in schools and goes into the bottom pits. After the obligatory bait, this fish is eagerly caught on bloodworms, barkers and red worms. For these purposes, it is better to take large hooks of size 8-10. It is better to make the hole wider (25-30 cm). Experienced fishermen claim that bream is excellent at fishing with a line throughout the winter.
