Bream is very popular with fishermen. Its meat is distinguished by its delicate taste and high protein content. You can catch bream at any time of the year, but it is especially difficult to do it in winter. Simplifies the task of using the rocker arm.

Catching bream
Bream is one of the most delicious river fish. Catching her in the winter is not easy. It is important to find a suitable place to feed the inhabitants of the reservoir. As soon as strong ice appears, the bream goes to the depth. In search of the location of the fish, you will have to make several holes. Increase the chances of success using the rocker arm. This is the most efficient ice fishing tackle for bream.

Rocker arm advantages:
- allows to reduce the load on the tackle;
- suitable for muddy bottom;
- helps to catch a large individual;
- easy to use.
Tackle picking
Success also depends on how correctly the tackle is assembled. It will not be difficult for an experienced fisherman to do this. A beginner will have to try.
You need to choose a short rod with a lightweight grip, lavsan nod and stable support. The "filly fishing rods" are especially effective.
A monoprofile line with a diameter of 0.15 to 0.17 mm will do. It is better not to use braids. They will not withstand the frost, they will cause a lot of trouble.
You need to surround the tackle with pellets or strips of lead. Their weight depends on the speed of the river flow, its depth.
Wire rocker

- To make a rocker arm, you need 20 cm of wire, with a diameter of 1, 5 to 2 mm.
- To make a template, markers are placed on a wooden board where it is planned to make 3 bends.
- Nails are driven in, up to 3 mm in diameter. The length of the rocker itself should be 140 mm.
- Loops are created at the hammered nails. Later they are removed, taking into account the stripping of excess wire.
- To make a rocker, you need to stretch the fishing line through 3 loops. Hooks are tied to its edges. # 4-5 will do.
- The rocker clings to the line through the center loop.
- Beads are attached to the central loop.
Rocker from wiring
This option is considered one of the most basic and economical.

- An electrical wire up to 15 cm is required.
- You need to stretch the fishing line through the hole in the tube.
- Attach hooks to the ends of the fishing line.
- The tube is crimped with a lead strip, performing the function of a load.
- Insulation equipped with hooks clings to the line.
The list of lures for winter fishing for bream is much less than for summer fishing. In cold weather, the fish responds better to high-calorie baits. Some inhabitants of reservoirs are sometimes not averse to feasting on vegetable bait.
Bait options:
- bloodworm,
- maggot,
- fly larvae,
- dough,
- bread,
- pasta,
- pearl barley,
- Hercules.
During the period of active biting, you can give preference to hard cereals. In any other case, it is soft.
Yoke fishing technique

- Several holes need to be drilled. They should be staggered.
- Throw groundbait into each one. It will be possible to start fishing in 40 minutes.
- The bloodworm is attached to the hooks.
- It is desirable to crush one larva. This way it will quickly interest the fish.
- If one of the sides of the rocker rose and gave an impulse to the nod, the bream is on the hook.
Winter fishing for bream using a rocker arm is an exciting process. He is able to interest many fans of water hunting.