How To Catch Bream From A Boat

How To Catch Bream From A Boat
How To Catch Bream From A Boat

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Fishing from a boat is convenient because the fisherman has the opportunity to choose the most suitable place on the reservoir. This is especially important when fishing for bream, which is distinguished by caution and requires from the angler not only knowledge of all its habits, but also the use of special tackle and bait.

How to catch bream from a boat
How to catch bream from a boat

It is necessary

  • - a boat;
  • - tackle;
  • - bait.


Step 1

Find a good spot before fishing. It is better to spend extra time on this than to fish where the fish hardly go. Look for any irregularities in the terrain, the ideal place would be a ledge at a difference in depth. Pits will do as well. Try to pick up the depth from a few meters or more, since large bream rarely enters shallow water, usually in the morning.

Step 2

The boat should be put on two anchors, it should not be dangling. Position it fore or aft to the wind so that the wave does not hit the side. Positioning the boat correctly is an art, so read articles on this topic on the Internet.

Step 3

Be sure to provide groundbait. Remember that it is not intended to feed the fish, but to whet its appetite. Therefore, the groundbait should be reasonably sufficient. You can use either a ready-made store or prepare it yourself. In the simplest case, sliced white bread can be used as groundbait, but it would be more correct to make a special mixture.

Step 4

A bait made from hemp or sunflower cake and corn or wheat bread crumbs gives a good result. You can add Hercules, fried until golden brown, attracts bream and milk powder. Also add some sugar or molasses. Be sure to grind all solid components. Use natural fruit essences as flavors.

Step 5

Add up to 80% ballast to the bait, it can be ordinary river sand. It is best to take it directly on the shore of the reservoir. Such sand has a smell familiar to fish. Ballast is mixed with groundbait immediately before the start of fishing.

Step 6

Bream baits are very diverse, and every serious angler has their own favorites. They catch bloodworms, maggots, earthworms, steamed cereals, dough made according to various recipes, etc. etc. Choosing a nozzle, the angler has a huge scope for creativity. At the same time, the lion's share of success depends on the ability to understand what fish needs in this particular reservoir and at a given time of day.

Step 7

When fishing from a boat, you should use special tackle. Long rods used when fishing from the bank are superfluous here. Better are short ones, up to one meter long. Many anglers successfully fish from a boat with regular winter fishing rods. When buying, you should select rods that do not sink in water. Use fishing line up to 0.3 mm thick. The hooks are # 10 plus or minus two numbers.

Step 8

The bait when fishing for bream should lie at the bottom. If you are using a float, adjust its position so that with the sinker and the baited hook lying on the bottom, it is in the water vertically, its tip peeking out above the surface. In this case, the signal for the hookup will be its sharp ascent - this happens when the fish lifts the hook with a nozzle from the bottom. When fishing without a float, use the nod. The signal for undercutting will be its sharp straightening.

Step 9

When fishing for bream, be sure to use a landing net. Bream is a strong enough fish, so the angler's job is to give him a breath of air. If the head of the bream can be lifted above the water, further fishing usually goes very smoothly - the fish is simply pulled on its side along the surface of the water to the boat and pulled out with a landing net.
