It's not a bad thing to look at yourself from the outside. Try to fix your "today", exactly repeat your image. And after a few days, try again this attempt - perhaps the result will be completely different. Each time your drawing will turn out more and more like yourself.

It is necessary
A sheet of white paper 50 * 40 cm in size, 6 watercolor colored pencils: brown, pink, light blue, dark gray, cobalt blue, Indian red, eraser, brush # 1
Step 1
Sketch the head. Take a brown watercolor pencil and outline the outline of the head and the line of the shoulders. Using a pencil to measure the proportions, mark the position of the eyes, nose and mouth. Determine the location of the main shadows.
Step 2
Add a warm tone. Refine the shadow shown earlier on the right side of the neck, then shade the right side of the face. Using a pink pencil, warm up the tone on the face and neck.
Step 3
Draw the eyes. With a brown pencil, draw a crease on the bridge of the nose, deepen the shadow under the chin and refine the hairstyle line on the right. Draw glasses and lightly shade the right glass. Draw the eyes with a light blue pencil, draw a shirt and a cold shadow lying on gray hair with it.
Step 4
Make washes. Draw the pupils of the eyes with a dark gray pencil, then take a cobalt blue pencil and emphasize the shadows on the shirt around the collar and shoulders. Using a damp # 1 brush, start blurring the dark gray pencil strokes of the background. Wash the brush and blend pencil strokes of different colors to soften the tone of the shirt.
Step 5
Final steps. With the same light blue pencil, deepen the color of the sitter's eyes, and then use the Indian red pencil to mark the inner corner of the right eye. Darken the pupils of the eyes with a dark gray pencil.