One of the most versatile and interesting characters in the popular game Lineage 2 is the Warcryer, a representative of the mystical half of the orc race. Not a single full-fledged group can do without cooking. But in order for the vark to reach its full potential, it needs to be pumped.

It is necessary
- - an account on one of the official servers of Lineage 2;
- - client to connect to the server;
- - Internet connection.
Step 1
Pump the future brew to level 21-22, while taking the first profession. Immediately after the creation of the Orc Mystic, move to the village of the Kamael race. This can be done using a special teleport scroll that is placed in all characters' inventory when created. In Kamael Village, complete a series of quests given by NPC Markella. Teleport to the village of orcs, open the dialogue of the NPC "Newbie Helper". Follow his instructions for the initial racial quests. After completing the quests, the character's level will be 18. Next, go through the quest to get your first profession. Then complete the "Path of Destiny" quest and the "Troubling News" quest. The level will rise to 21 or 22.
Step 2
Raise the character level to 40, while completing the tasks for the second class transfer. Get yourself a level D weapon, armor and jewelry. Weapons should be taken for special coupons received during the first class transfer. Armor and jewelry can be bought at the weapons and armor shop. At this stage, it makes sense for brewing to purchase heavy armor and physical weapons (two-handed club, twin swords). Hunt monsters, whose level is approximately equal to the character's level. Locations with suitable monsters can be found on the "Hunting Areas" tab of the general map.
Step 3
Get a wolf pet. Complete the quest to receive a special pet ticket. This quest is from the pet manager in Gludio. Exchange your ticket for a wolf.
Step 4
Download the brew until you get level 52. Purchase C-grade armor, jewelry, and weapons. Learn all possible enhancing skills. Hunt monsters of your level to gain experience. When hunting, call a wolf to carry out its pumping. At this stage, it makes sense to buy a set of light armor "Plated Leather Set" because of its stat conversion bonus. Jewelry and weapons can be "shadow" or "regular". From weapons, you can choose a two-handed club or non-core dual swords.
Step 5
Prepare to develop your brew up to level 61. Swap out your weapons and armor for B-grade items. Convert your wolf pet to a great wolf. Buy the wolf the right ammunition.
Step 6
Pump the brew to level 61. Hunt suitable monsters using a wolf. Summon a pet and cast enhancing spells before hunting. During the hunt, make the first blows to attract the monster's aggression towards yourself, and then send the wolf to attack. Necropolises and catacombs can be good places for development in this period. Also try to find a group for joint pumping.
Step 7
Upgrade your character to level 76. Try to carry out pumping mainly as part of a group as a "buffer" (a support mage who casts enhancing spells). To do this, purchase magic armor "Crystal of Darkness" and magic weapons with SA acumen. This could be "Sword of Homunculus" or "Sword of Valhalla". In the absence of a group, you can still develop a character solo. To do this, you will need a "Tallum Heavy Armor Set" and a two-handed club of rank A. It makes sense to summon a wolf both in a group and during solo leveling. workshop "(70-76)," Camp of the fauns cooking "(74-78).
Step 8
Complete a series of quests for your third class transfer. Some quests can be completed at level 74 more. At level 76, it is worth completing the transfer of profession completely.
Step 9
Continue to pump the brew all the way up to level 85. Effective pumping during this period is possible only in a full-fledged group in the role of a support mage. Don't forget to summon a wolf to increase the overall DPS of the group. As the level increases, upgrade jewelry, armor and weapons to items of rank S, S80, S84.