Tatiana Arntgolts is a beautiful and successful actress. She was once married, divorced, has a daughter, Maria. In 2018 he meets a young man who is far from the world of cinema and theater. His identity has not yet been established.

Many people follow the personal life of the Russian actress Tatyana Arntgolts. The first relationship that the media wrote about was associated with Anatoly Rudenko. They first met on the set of the television series "Simple Truths - 2". Gradually, sympathy developed into deeper feelings. Fans talked about their mutual love for six months. The relationship ended when Tatiana met her future husband and broke up with the actor.
Family life
Arntgolts and Ivan Zhidkov were considered one of the most beautiful couples. The acquaintance happened by chance, at the airport. The wedding was modest, attended only by close friends and relatives. In 2014, information about a divorce appeared for the first time. Many said that this event was associated with Ivan's jealousy of his wife's success. He also had a negative attitude towards touring. After the divorce, the daughter stayed with her mother. They bought an apartment in an elite building not far from the center of Moscow.
After the divorce, the actors retained their friendship and continue to take care of their daughter together. The father often takes Maria to him. According to the latest news, Ivan became a father for the second time, and at the beginning of 2018 he introduced his daughter to his newborn son Stepan. In April 2018, there was news that Ivan, along with Maria and a new family, went on vacation to Sochi. On social networks, a photo quickly gained popularity in which the new darling and daughter jump into the abyss on the cables. Many reacted negatively to such entertainment.
Immediately after the divorce, the girl began to appear with Grigory Antipenko (the star of the TV series "Don't Be Born Beautiful"). Relationships from friendship quickly grew into a whirlwind romance. The couple has appeared at many events. However, very quickly in the theater, where they worked together, they noticed that the couple stopped communicating with each other. A little later, Tatyana commented that they confused friendship with love, too early to draw conclusions about their relationship.
The media carefully monitor the personal life of the actress. She was credited with novels with:
- Artem Tkachenko;
- Alexey Panin;
- Ivan Zhidkov;
- Anatoly Rudenko.
Personal life of Tatyana Arntgolts in 2018
Increasingly, information began to appear that changes were again taking place in the life of the young actress. Society says that she again meets with a young man who has nothing to do with the world of art. There are no details about the novel, but it is known that Tatyana has already introduced her new boyfriend to her family. According to the father, this man can make his daughter happy.
Tatyana notes that the new chosen one is not jealous, completely trusts her and lets her go on tour without any problems. He often picks her up by car after rehearsals from the theater. The young man was able to find an approach to both the actress and her daughter. What the new relationship will lead to in 2018 is unknown.
How has your personal life affected your career?
Tatiana Arntgolts starred in various TV series. The drama star will debut in the comedy genre in 2018. The STS channel will release "New Man", in which the heroine will find herself in a complex love triangle. For the sake of a new role, the actress for the first time radically changed her haircut.
In January, another series was released, in which the actress took part. In the film "Double Life" she played the mother of a seriously ill boy. A common thread throughout the series is the heroine's personal drama.
Interesting fact: Tatiana was born 20 minutes earlier than her sister. Each has achieved success in theater and cinema by the age of 35. Thanks to the amazing similarity, they still hedge each other on the set to this day. Like Tatyana, Olga also experienced a divorce. The first marital relationship was formalized a year after the sister's wedding. Both had their first marriage lasting 6 years.