Igor Gordin's Wife: Photo

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Igor Gordin's Wife: Photo
Igor Gordin's Wife: Photo

Video: Igor Gordin's Wife: Photo

Video: Igor Gordin's Wife: Photo
Video: Игорь Гордин. Мой герой 2024, December

Igor Gordin is a famous theater and film actor. For many years he has been married to TV presenter Yulia Menshova. At one time, the spouses experienced difficulties in relations, but as a result they saved the marriage and became one of the strongest families in the world of Russian cinema.

Igor Gordin's wife: photo
Igor Gordin's wife: photo

Early years and early career

Yulia Menshova was born on July 28, 1969 in the family of two eminent representatives of the cinema. Her mother is the legendary Soviet actress Vera Alentova, and her father is Oscar-winning director Vladimir Menshov. Since childhood, the girl revolved in the field of cinema and theater, so it was not a discovery for anyone that she decided to connect her life with this art. However, the task before Julia was difficult. Like any child of celebrities, for many years she had to prove to the whole world and to herself that she was worth something without the famous surname of her parents. Today we can say with confidence that Menshova coped with this task brilliantly. Julia has realized herself in many areas, making a career in theater, film and television.

Even in her school years, it was clear that Julia would choose a creative profession. She enthusiastically played in a theater group, and also tried herself in the epistolary genre, receiving a fairly high assessment of her stories from her father. That is why she chose journalism. However, for admission to the university, publications were necessary, and Yulia did not have them at that time. In order not to lose a whole year, Menshova decided to "wait it out" in another educational institution, choosing the Moscow Art Theater. As expected, she entered the studio school on the course of Alexander Kalyagin on the first try. In order not to embarrass the examination jury with her famous surname, Yulia passed away as Bolshova (at that time it was possible to take exams without documents). Studying in the theater so captured the girl that she postponed plans for a career as a journalist and remained at the faculty.

Immediately after graduating from the Moscow Art Theater, Julia receives an offer to work in the troupe of the theater. Chekhov, and in parallel with him, auditions for the cinema begin. She played her first role in the comedy "Act, Manya". In the coming years, the actress starred in the films "Choosy Bridegroom", "In That Region of Heaven." Despite the fact that her career was gaining momentum, in 1994 Yulia unexpectedly decides to leave the cinema.

Yulia Menshova appears on television again only 10 years later. In 2004, the series "Balzac Age, or All Men Are Svo …" was released, which breaks all popularity records and as a result is extended for several seasons.

Personal life and marriage with Igor Gordin

The Menshov family seemed exemplary only for the viewer. In fact, there was a difficult relationship between Vera Valentinovna and Vladimir Valentinovich, of which Julia was a witness all these years. Her childhood fell on the "hungry" years, when Soviet cinema was going through hard times. Vladimir Menshov had to earn extra money as a loader in order to feed his family, and Vera Alentova worked to the maximum, not thinking about rest. The couple often quarreled and even parted for several years. Julia received very little attention from them and spent almost her entire childhood with her grandmother. Unfortunately, this picture of family relationships could not but affect the girl, and in part she projected the same model onto her life.


Julia married actor Igor Gordin at the age of 27. The couple had two children: daughter Taisiya and son Andrei. Unfortunately, soon after the happy event, the pair became difficult. The actors broke up without an official divorce. Although, according to Julia, she and her husband believed that the official dissolution of marriage was only a matter of time.

At first, the couple made the decision to maintain a relationship for the sake of the children. This brought them closer and made it possible to meet quite often. One day, my daughter asked Julia to make sure that dad never left again. As a result, Julia and Igor once again felt spiritual closeness and were able to restore their family.

Television career

Yulia Menshova is much better known today as a TV presenter. For many years she hosted and produced the program "I myself". This TV project was very close to the audience, because Menshova raised problems that are consonant with every woman. From that moment on, Yulia's television career began to develop rapidly. For the audience, she personified the image of a close friend, whom you can confide in and have a heart-to-heart talk. In 1999 Menshova received the TEFI award as the best TV presenter.

2 years after the launch of the program "I myself" Menshova was invited to work as deputy director of "TV-6 Moscow". After several years of fruitful work in the TV company, Julia opens her own production center. This work takes up almost all the time, but Julia manages to take part in filming and theatrical entreprise.


Since 2013, Yulia Menshova has been the author and host of the "Alone with Everyone" program on Channel One. The heroes of the talk shows were the most discussed media personalities of our time, including both Russian celebrities and foreign guests. The program was at the peak of the ratings for almost 4 years, but gradually began to lose ground. Apparently, her life cycle has ended, because almost all the stars who fit into this format have visited Julia. At first, the program was postponed to a less profitable daytime broadcast, and then it was completely closed.

However, Menshova's cooperation with Channel One did not stop there. Together with Maxim Galkin, she began to lead the program "Tonight", which uses the same polarity among the generation that grew up on the work of Yulia Menshova and her legendary parents.
