Making your dance bright and memorable is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To do this, you need to know certain rules and approach the dance production with a good dose of fiction. Of course, we will help to reveal the secret of the staging rules, but you will have to manage your imagination yourself.

Step 1
Choose the right music. It is advisable that the song for the dance should not be too hackneyed. Of course, it can be well-recognized and popular, but at the same time, many songs are promoted according to the principle “the more often the better”. It is not worth performing a dance to the music that the viewer has become boring.
Step 2
When choosing a song, try to comply with other music requirements:
• it should be rhythmic - it is easier to move with such music and to be in time;
• throughout the song, it is desirable to develop the theme, and not monotonous repetition of the same passage. In particular, electronic music is not a suitable option, unless it is a thematic production or one of the phonogram segments.
Step 3
When choreographing a dance, observe its style features, which should also not contradict the musical accompaniment. Themed dances and miniature dances, in which a certain story is played out, look interesting and beneficial. The advantage of such performances is the opportunity to make your dance for everyone. It is good to play the main roles even for amateurs, since the emphasis in these dances is not on choreography, but on the acting qualities of the performers. Therefore, such numbers are very common in amateur performances.
Step 4
Use different shapes and rebuilds. The changing picture allows you to make your dance brighter, more dynamic and livelier. But avoid frequent repetitions of the same movements and figures - they greatly spoil the overall impression, unless, of course, you stage a dance for young children, where no one will pay attention to such "flaws".
Step 5
You can make your dance more memorable if you use not only costumes, but also certain attributes. They can be used to emphasize the images and types of performers (hat, cane), to create an atmosphere corresponding to the dance (chair, bench, desk, mirror), to form a national color (Gzhel teapot, cut out and plywood and appropriately painted) and for other purposes … Most importantly, remember the basic rule of using attributes in dance: the things that you brought to the stage should “dance” with you throughout the whole performance and complete it with you, and not be abandoned and forgotten in the middle of the performance.