At one time, the twist was a very popular dance. In the 60s of the last century, the twist just blew up the dance floor. But everything old tends to come back. Therefore, these days this energetic dance is conquering the audience again. Twist is distinguished by its incendiary and cheerfulness. You have to dance it with a smile. Let's consider the basic twist movements and their technique.

Step 1
First movement: rotation. The main type of movement that is involved in the dance is the rotational movements of both legs, which are used first alternately and then together. Stand on your right foot, place your left foot on your toes and rotate, then repeat the same with your right foot. Then stand on your right foot and place your left foot on the heel and repeat the rotational movements. Do the same for the right heel.
Step 2
Second movement: watusi. This type of movement is aimed at developing the rhythm of the dance. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend both knees as if you are about to sit down. Straighten your arms in front of you. Start moving your arms to the right, and then in semicircular movements to the left. Then repeat this movement in the opposite direction.
Step 3
Third movement: hips and joints. On the count of one, shift your body weight to your right leg, and bring your right hip a little to the side. On the count of two, shift your weight to your left leg and bring your left hip to the side. Swing your hips from side to side. On the count of three, add to the swinging of the hips, the movements of the hands synchronously and parallel to the hips.
Step 4
Fourth movement: hitch-hike. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Snap the rhythm with the fingers of your right hand to the count of one-two-three-four. On the count of four, clap the right side. Do the same with your left hand. Repeat several times.
Step 5
Fifth movement: monkey. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees, straighten your arms in front of you, palms up. Bend forward and raise your right hand. Shake your head and body to the beat of the music. Straighten to the starting position, then bend forward again, clasping your hands in front of you. Straighten to the starting position. Bend over to the right and straighten back. Repeat the tilt to the left, returning to the starting position.