How To Learn To Dance Lezginka

How To Learn To Dance Lezginka
How To Learn To Dance Lezginka

Table of contents:


They say about this dance "incendiary", "passionate". Still, the most important thing is the national dance. No one can dance the lezginka as dashingly and so gracefully as the highlanders. Do you still want to try it?

How to learn to dance lezginka
How to learn to dance lezginka

It is necessary

CD with music, video tutorials, Internet access


Step 1

Despite the fact that the best option for teaching this dance is special courses, you can start small - by watching a video. Recordings from concerts, private parties, and just performances of individual artists can be found on the Internet.

Step 2

After watching the dance in its entirety, begin to disassemble it literally step by step. Identify every move. To do this, you need to understand the rhythm of the dance and break all movements into 4 or 8 counts. That is, watch the video and count to yourself: "one-two-three-four." When you catch the rhythm, you can start repeating the elements.

Step 3

Of course, lezginka is not the easiest dance, as it requires a little skill, but the main thing is a sense of tact and rhythm. Therefore, do not be lazy and repeat the same movements over and over again. Only persistent training will allow you to achieve real mastery.

Step 4

It should be understood that you can repeat the movements and incorrectly. Therefore, find a place where you can practice in front of a mirror or at least a polished closet - your reflection will show how accurately you repeat the movements.
