How To Draw An Alien

How To Draw An Alien
How To Draw An Alien

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Aliens are a favorite subject of fantastic drawings. You can draw an alien as you like, because no one has seen them. But, nevertheless, people have a certain image of little green men. Drawing such an alien is not difficult if you follow certain rules.

How to draw an alien
How to draw an alien

It is necessary

Pencils, a piece of paper, an eraser


Step 1

First, you need to outline the main details of the character. Draw an even circle. It will serve as a frame for the head. Draw a line at the intended neck. Draw a pear-shaped body. The left hand of our alien will rest on the side. Therefore, the designation of the hand of this hand is not required at this stage. The right hand is raised up. Please note that aliens are usually depicted with three fingers. From the body, draw two sticks down. These are the legs. Since the alien will be wearing a space suit, his feet will be shod with boots. Sketch the shoes of the character in the form of flattened circles.

Step 2

We draw the head of the hero. As a rule, an alien is depicted with a large, upturned head. Its upper part is widened, and its lower part is narrowed. Draw two large almond-shaped eyes. Place them a little further apart, compared to the eyes of the person. Add nostrils. Our alien is friendly, so give him a big smile.

Step 3

Given that aliens are often portrayed as the crew of a spaceship, it makes sense to draw an alien in a flight suit. Draw, guided by the lines of the frame, a jacket with a long sleeve. The character's right hand is raised palm up towards the viewer. We draw three long fingers. On the other hand, the palm is hidden behind the body, so it is practically invisible.

Step 4

Draw the bottom of the alien. Since we are depicting him dressed, we add pants and lace-up boots at the bottom.

Step 5

Rate the drawing. You may want to add some more details at this stage. If not, grab an eraser and erase the wireframe lines.

Step 6

It's time to add some color to the pale character. Traditionally, the skin color of aliens is depicted as green, less often gray or blue. The eyes are completely blacked out and highlights are placed, one for each eye. The alien costume is two-tone. The jacket is red with a yellow element, yellow trousers, gray boots. The alien is ready!
