On-line games, one of the most popular entertainments of the XXI century. If you decide to try your hand at one of the virtual worlds called World of Warcraft, moreover, with such a specific character as a "horn", then you should check out the short "instructions for survival".

Step 1
Find the right group. Rogue, aka "horn", has a number of disadvantages that can be easily compensated for by other characters. With high attack rates, the horn is weakly defended and can easily be defeated without adequate support. Defensive classes - "tanks" are perfect for a dual game with a horn. They do little damage, but have high defense rates. Such characteristics allow them to keep several opponents on themselves during the battle, and you, as a rogue, can safely eliminate monsters at this time.
Step 2
Look for locations with "weak" enemies. As a rule, enemies with a low amount of life have a high attack. However, you are not afraid of it if you are able to kill the enemy with one or two hits. Therefore, study the regions available to you in order to identify the most favorable situation for pumping.
Step 3
Complete quests. "Horn" - the most suitable character to perform various tasks. He moves quickly, can be invisible to enemies, and is capable of penetrating places inaccessible to other characters. All this makes him an excellent messenger and courier in various missions. Do as many tasks as possible in order not only to gain experience and speed up pumping, but also to buy better equipment that allows you to fight alone.
Step 4
Use power-up potions. In almost every game, for all classes, there are various potions and elixirs that can temporarily increase the characteristics of a character. Buy a similar field kit and use it when needed. This will allow you to increase your strength and attack speed, restore life and magical energy.
Step 5
Combine your skills. The success of any character lies in knowing his capabilities. There are practically no useless skills, since the developers come up with this or that "trick" for a specific case or situation. Learn to use all the abilities given to you and pumping the hero will go much faster.