Strategy creation is a very long and painstaking task. The strategy belongs to the genre of games where a large number of events take place and many characters participate. The strategies are very difficult to balance and require a huge investment of effort, time and money. Making games is hard work, often unpaid and demotivating.

Step 1
Plan. It is very important to have a thoughtful plan before starting work. What kind of project do you want to do, how, with the help of what “tools”, who is required, what is needed? Only after making a detailed estimate will you be able to move on.
Step 2
Think about a "list of milestones" - the items that make up your game (like: a - choose an engine, b - create the necessary models, etc.). The list should be detailed, listing each model or melody required. Now you can visually assess how much work is still left.
Step 3
The foundation. You need to come up with a framework so that every person joining the team has a clear understanding of what exactly you are going to do. As practice shows, each person understands ideas in their own way. To do this, write a concept and design document.
Step 4
Choose a programming language or a constructor, but choose not the one that your acquaintances recommend to you, but the one that you know how to handle. It's better to write a game with an engine you know than a more powerful engine that you have to learn from scratch. Constructors are not a panacea. You also need to study them, understand the documentation, visit the forums and read the manuals.
Step 5
Team. If you can't do it yourself and want to make the project a little faster, you need a team. You can get people interested either in the results of your work or in money. If you have not done anything by the time the team is assembled, you will not find anyone. If you have money, then contact freelancers.
Step 6
Demo version. After making a demo, stop work for a couple of weeks / months. Catch bugs, think about what to improve and redo, what to change. Make changes.
Step 7
So let's summarize. To create a strategy, you need exactly three things: a leader who makes decisions, manages the team and does the lion's share of the work; a team - consisting of people who either do their part of the work better than anyone else, or who cannot be replaced; resources - time and money.