In a chess game it is not enough to know how the pieces move and to be able to move them according to the rules. To develop a game, players need to have an understanding of the strategy and tactics of playing chess. It is important to know what openings are, what the middlegame and endgame are, the basic principles of a chess game.

A player who wants to end a chess game with a victory must observe the following principles of the chess game:
- analyze and evaluate the position that has arisen on the board;
- outline your further plan of action;
- constantly calculate the options in my head and choose the best one.
For this, chess strategy and tactics are used. Moreover, the concepts of "chess tactics" and "chess tactics" are somewhat different.
- Chess tactics is a set of developed techniques for implementing a strategy in a chess game. That is, we can conclude that the tactics of playing chess in a broad sense consists of the following components:
- Strategy is the way to achieve the desired result in the party.
Chess tactics is a toolkit for implementing a player's strategy. Thus, strategy is planning, and tactics is the implementation of that plan.
What is strategy in chess
Strategy in chess is a path to victory in a game, based on a plan drawn up, taking into account the tournament situation, the opponent's personality and his game preferences. Most experienced chess players prepare for the game ahead of time; every strong player prefers to implement on the board one or another strategy of the opening - the beginning of the game.
It is important to be guided by certain principles. For example, in opening for beginners it is required:
- fast game development;
- convenient placement of figures;
- organization of the interaction of figures;
- the seizure of the central fields.
The strategy in each game must be specific. The chess player, proceeding from the situation, looks for the best move, goes over the options according to the general chess principles and laws. The strategy to a large extent depends on who your opponent is, what features and preferences he has.
For example, if it is known that the opponent likes to move pawns away from the king and neglects defense, play Bg5 and on h6 - Ch4, provoking the move g7-g5. Pawns, as you know, do not go back, and the king that remains open will sooner or later begin to receive check after check.
The basic principles of strategy and planning can be systematized into the following rules:
- Rooks should work along open lines, break out to the 7th or 2nd rank and work along it.
- It is undesirable to move the same piece 2 or more times in the opening.
- You should not chase the pawns, often the tempo in chess is more important than any piece.
- You need to develop the figures to the center, and not to the edge of the board.
- It is imperative to capture the central pawn, even if it is followed by losses (within reason, of course).
Also, at the stage of drawing up a strategy, it is important to take into account that in a real game there will be constant opposition from the enemy, who, of course, carries out his plan. It is in such a clash of ideas that the struggle for the chessboard develops. Therefore, you need to be ready to make adjustments to the strategy implementation plan on the fly.
Chess tactics
Possession of tactical techniques in a chess game is in no way less important than the ability to draw up a strategy. The player can correctly assess the position and draw up a good plan, but if he does not possess a sufficient tactical arsenal, he will not be able to realize his plans and bring the game to victory.
In addition, you should know that the cost of a tactical mistake is higher than a strategic one. If you overlook a checkmate in two moves on the board, all your strategic achievements are instantly devalued. In the course of the game, the chess player resolves tactical issues more often than strategic ones.
There are various tactics in the player's arsenal:
- fork,
- bundle,
- Double punch,
- linear blow,
- open attack and open check,
- overload,
- destruction of protection,
- abstraction,
- enticement.
Tactical operations
With the help of a tactical operation, a stage of the game is formed, which includes an often forced sequence of moves with a given goal. Moreover, at this stage, the moves have a logical sequence. Each of them individually may seem incomprehensible to the players, but together they create an understandable whole.
A tactical operation consists of three stages:
- Finding an idea.
- Calculation of possible options.
- Assessment of the likely consequences.
One of the types of tactical operations in a chess game being played is a combination. In essence, it is a tactical victim operation.
All three components of a tactical operation are equally important. For example, in assessing the likely consequences, it is important to see if the benefits of the played hand will be canceled out by other factors. For example, you won a pawn, but in the end your queen was trapped.
Almost always, the ability to perform a successful tactical operation or combination relies on the positional advantages that the player already has on the board.
To learn tactical skills, a chess player needs to find and memorize the exact positions of the pieces. The set of such positions should be constantly replenished. It is also important for the player to memorize all the typical techniques used, to play various combinations and tactical strikes in his mind in order to develop spatial imagination.
Undoubtedly, the greatest benefit in practicing both strategy and tactics comes from practical play and analysis of the games played. The skill can only be fully consolidated with practice.
Opening strategies in a chess game
In chess, openings are strategies and tactics in which one can predict the opponent's actions in advance.
The following basic principles of openings can be distinguished:
- develop figures as soon as possible;
- be sure to keep the center under control;
- counteract the enemy in development;
- provide security for your king;
- link your game plan (strategy) with the middlegame and endgame.
There are openings in chess for blacks and whites, for example, The Scottish Game. This option attracts the fact that the player himself chooses in which direction to lead the confrontation. In this case, black pieces will have to adapt to tactics. There are also openings: flank, open, closed, half-open, half-closed.
Sometimes half-closed and closed openings do not differ, they are combined into one closed openings. It is the same with the flank. In addition, all openings are divided according to correctness - they can be incorrect and correct. Beginners should also remember that chess openings for the 1st category are somewhat different from others.