What Tactics To Choose For Fishing

What Tactics To Choose For Fishing
What Tactics To Choose For Fishing

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One of the components of fishing success is correct tactics. The correct choice of reservoir, location and depth of fishing directly affect the result of fishing. Even if you are a master of the tackle, poorly chosen tactics can be left without a catch.

What tactics to choose for fishing
What tactics to choose for fishing

It is necessary

  • - fishing tackle;
  • - echo sounder.


Step 1

First of all, you need to choose a place or places to fish. The presence or absence of the latter, as a rule, is associated with the relief. Underwater spits, shallows, depth differences, holes, snags, areas of vegetation - all this is loved by different fish. She feels uncomfortable with a fast current, looks for reservoirs with a large supply of oxygen and tries to be where it is easy to get away from the chase.

Step 2

If the river or pond is well known to you, and your favorite places are fed, then everything is clear. But if you are going to unknown lands, it is better to take an echo sounder with you. This device will help to recognize the bottom topography, as well as determine the presence of fish. In reservoirs, for example, with the help of an echo sounder, you will find the beds of flooded rivers, where you can certainly count on a good catch.

Step 3

If there is no echo sounder, carefully inspect the relief of the coastline. Pay special attention to the ravines and elevation changes, springs and rivers flowing with a lot of oxygen, islands and peninsulas that form shoals and spits. If they are, the fishing promises to be successful.

Step 4

Having determined the places where you are going to try fishing luck, choose the tactics of your behavior. It can be divided into two categories: actively looking for fish or waiting. These two methods are successful in different conditions. In winter, when trolling, it makes sense to constantly actively look for fish. A flock of perch, the main object of winter fishing, is constantly moving in pursuit of fry. This tactic is also justified in cases when you want to quickly explore the relief of the reservoir, to find interesting places.

Step 5

Waiting tactics are successful in cases where it is well known (with the help of an echo sounder or from experience) that there are definitely fish in a given place. Then calmly wait, throwing a fishing rod into one of the holes in a shallow reservoir - pike perch, large perch or other fish will definitely give you a chance. In these places, waiting is more successful than an active search, fraught with loss of time.
