A finger or fingerboard is the same skateboard, only reduced tenfold. Someone Stephen Asher sat at home and was bored. The weather, most likely, was rainy, and the guy could not ride a skateboard. This prompted him to make a tiny board that he manipulated with his fingers. And so the fingerboard was born. The tricks performed on the finger are essentially the same tricks that are performed on his "foot" counterpart.

Step 1
Ollie (ollie) - the basis, the "father" of all tricks. At first, this trick is performed by the "retraction" method. It looks something like this: stand in Ollie's stance, move the finger like on fakie, click the tail and move the board in the right direction for Ollie.
Step 2
Kickflip is a basic flip trick that requires a fair amount of patience. The fingers are positioned as in Ollie, but the flexion line of the joint of the hand is at the finger on the edge located towards you. The joint in this case is close to the pad of our index finger. Next, Ollie is made, along the edge is carried out. After completing a turn, the lovft board with your fingers flat and land.
Step 3
Boardslide This is a simple slide. For execution, we need a facet. With the center of the deck, we jump onto the railing and roll down to the end. It's all. But there are two positions in this trick - frontside and backside. The first is sliding in front, and the second is, respectively, backward.
Step 4
Impossible is a difficult trick that requires more than one hour of training. You need to rotate the finger around the snap finger - that's the point. In principle, everything is simple here, but you need to put the snap finger close to the bolts, but not too close. Next, we are required to rotate the finger clockwise. Having made a full 360 ° rotation around the finger, press the finger to the surface as sharply as possible, but so as not to damage the tracks. The trick is over.
Step 5
Nosegrind is one of the simplest grinds. It is based on the nose manual (we jump to the edge with the front track, without touching the back one). We jump to the edge with a nose manual and then get off the zeros, with a casper or kickflip of your choice.