Among the many boyish fun, perhaps one of the first places in terms of fun is the game of toy soldiers. It allows you not only to have fun, but also to study the name of the branches of the armed forces, army paraphernalia and the purpose of various types of weapons. And staging a real battle helps to understand the historical accuracy of military operations of a particular era.

Step 1
Choose a battlefield to play. They can serve as a large window sill, a desk. But if there are a lot of soldiers and military equipment, it is more convenient and spacious to deploy hostilities right on the floor. Depict rough terrain using boxes, books, or blocks of wood as hills. Before the upcoming battle, divide the soldiers equally into two opposing armies. If a friend came to visit you with his army, then it is more logical to oppose "all yours against all mine." But all the same, it is more interesting for partners to knowingly have equal armies in strength.
Step 2
Discuss the rules of the game with the "opponent". For example, offer him the next game move. Walk, that is, rearrange the figures and shoot, in turn. In one move, the belligerent side can either move the soldiers or equipment, or use the right to fire. You can not move the army, but only shoot. Observe a strict order - movement first, after shooting. Once the shot is fired, it is no longer possible to move the toys.
Step 3
Agree on the specifics of movement and shooting. For example, let a foot soldier move one space in one move. Take the size of the division equal to the length of an ordinary match. Move cavalry three divisions, teams and carts two, cars five, trucks six. Any infantryman can shoot, but horse soldiers fight only hand-to-hand. You can only fire a shot with a snap of your finger.
Step 4
Let the shells be plastic bullets. If a fighter, falling, drops others, then they are all considered killed. At the same time, to maintain order on the battlefield, immediately remove the dead soldiers from the playground. Soldiers who have fallen from a concussion in a truck are not considered solved. If an enemy vehicle is knocked over or bounced one space from a projectile hit, it is considered knocked down. A cannon can only be fired when there are at least two gunners near it.